Dead Forever

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The walls were closing in on me, the darkness had started its descent into my soul. There was nowhere to run and nowhere hide. I had to get out before it could take a hold of me. If that were to ever happen, there would be no going back. I couldn't let it do that to me or else all would be lost. All the days I spent pushing the thoughts deep into my mind would all be for nothing. This couldn't happen and I was not about to let it.

Slowly I rose from the comfortable black chair I had been sitting in. I couldn't stay in this room any longer; all the memories just kept bubbling to the surface the longer I stayed there. With no mode of transportation except my feet, I walked out the back door and out of that house. There was no plan in my head as to which way I should be walking. All I could think about was going forward and, by going forward, that to me meant a way out of the situation I was in. 

 After walking straight ahead in the hot Georgia sun, I turned right and headed towards the ice cream parlor. Normally Wednesday mornings are slow and today was no exception. I walked over to the glass case that showcased all the delectable flavors of ice creams. With only five dollars in my pocket, I ordered the happiest flavor I could see--strawberry cheesecake. With all the darkness I was feeling, I hoped this ice cream could somewhat cheer me up or at the least help me forget my problems.

In books you always read about how when a boy and girl break up, the first thing the girl goes for, to help heal the pain, is ice cream. I hope, at least just for a little while, it will heal the bitterness that has been eating at my heart for weeks. I have now had my break from that dreadful house, but it is time to return. 

I paid for the ice cream and then I start my journey back towards the house of bitterness. As I take my time eating my ice cream, I try to think of all the happiness that once happened in that house. I can remember years of smiles, laughter, and hugs. This one event was like an atomic bomb, destroying everything for miles. There is nothing left, everything has been left dull black and faded. You could bring a box full of puppies and kittens and not even that could brighten up this place.

My ice cream is now gone and the lovely numbing coldness has slipped away. Sometimes I wish it would numb my emotions and not just my mouth. I live alone in this house, no friends, family, pets, or plants. I can't have anything alive in this place, sometimes I feel like I'm not even alive. Death had been a part of my life for a while now like I said before an atomic bomb went off and killed everything in sight. 

I would never wish death upon another person or on myself, you only get one chance at life once it's gone it's gone. You can't buy your way back nor can you trade your life for another. I know just like other people who have lost someone that all you wish once they are gone is to have them back.

My story is a little different than most and although it has been burning a hole through my heart and I have been trying to put it off as long as I can now I believe it the time to pour it all out. I grab a sheet of notebook paper and sit down at my desk with the lamp on and a pencil in my right hand. 

I close my eyes, breathed in deeply and then I started writing down my memories onto the paper. As I recalled the events that took place on that dreadful day I feel like I have traveled back in time and I have started living it over again. Instead of stopping like my mind is telling me to do I push forward, if I don't get it over with now I never will.

There I was camping with my two best friends otherwise known as my twin sisters, they slept in their own tent. Mine was straight in front of theirs and our campfire was in the middle. I am a very sound sleeper, I also sleep with blindfolds and earplugs since I can't sleep to the sound of crickets.

It's not like we were out in the middle of nowhere our family knew where we were and that we had planned on coming home in the morning. I woke up in the middle of the night and after several minutes of trying and failing to fall back asleep, I decided to go for a walk. 

I grabbed my phone and flashlight then started out. As I walk around in the distance I can hear the howling of wolves, which isn't all that uncommon where we were. More than once when I had been hiking up here I have seen them with my own eyes. I had been walking for a while so I turn around and start making my way back. 

As soon as I had turned around to make my way back, I hear a scream. Thoughts of what could be happing are racing through my mind as I run back towards our campsite. When I finally arrive, all is silent. I wave the flashlight around calling out my sister's names, but I hear nothing. I make my way behind their tent and in aww I see both of them covered in bite marks and blood. One of them has a huge bite mark taken out of her arm.

As I'm sitting next to them trying to get the blood to stop as best I can in the dark one of them reaches out to me and asks me to end her suffering. My other sister is already dead, she had no pulse. The one still alive begs me to end her pain, I know she will die soon but for her, it's not soon enough. 

I reach into my pocket and slowly pull out my pocket knife, but I just can't do it. She puts her weak hand on mine and guides it to... I put my pencil down and notice there are tears on the paper. Both of my sisters died that night and one had her pain taken away. Even though she asked for it I should have never done it. You only get one life, and once you're dead you are dead forever.    

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