Chapter 33

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Hey guys this is kind of a boring chapter sorry :( But I think you guys will really like the next chapter and you'll only have to wait a week. Enjoy!!!!! 


Once we finished eating we decided to continue watching How I Met Your Mother for a while before we went to bed. I yawn as I look up at the clock and realize that it's already half past midnight and I have to go to work tomorrow! Shit! I need sleep. "I'm going to go to bed. Do you want me to leave it playing or turn it off?" I ask as I get up and start gathering my blanket to take back with me. 

"Leave it on. I'm going to watch for a while." He says. "Okay well goodnight." Though I don't like this guy he was still there for me earlier this afternoon so it wouldn't hurt to be a little kind. Even though he did say all of those mean things to me, I guess he doesn't deserve my kindness but my Mom always taught me to repay someones kindness with kindness. "Night" he says distractedly. 

I walk into my room, put my blanket down, and change into my joggers and a plane t-shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and head for my bed. Even though I slept during the day, I can still sleep now. You see, one can never have too much sleep. I love sleeping. It's my life. 

Snuggling into my bed, I get under the covers and close my eyes. I sigh in comfort as I feel slumber come over. 

"Violet wake up" I slightly open my eyes as I feel myself being shaken.

"Ace. What are you doing here?" My voice groggy from my sleep. "You were having a nightmare again." He sounds concerned. He even looks concerned. "Oh sorry for disturbing you and thank you." I sit up as I rub my eyes. I don't think I'm getting any sleep. Once again that horrible man invaded my dreams and made them a nightmare. But this time he wasn't alone. Oliver was there too.

I begin to get out of my bed causing Ace to get up as well since he was sitting on the edge. "What're you doing?" He questions me. "Well, I don't think I'm getting any sleep anymore so I'm going to go watch something, maybe eat." I saw as I glance at the clock realizing it's only 2 in the morning. I still have 3 hours before I wake up and get ready for work. Damn I still have a lot to kill and no matter how I feel right now, like shit, I'm going to feel bad during the day, again like shit.

"You're not going anywhere" Ace states with determination in his voice as he pushes me back down on the bed. "But I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see him." I'm on the verge of tears now. Every time I think of the incident I feel everything all over again and I can't take it. "Well, I'm going to be here with you and make sure you go to sleep and have no nightmares." Now I'm confused. Ace climbs over me and onto the other side of the bed. I look at him confused.

My voice still a little weary "how?" He gets under the covers and turns to face me. "Just like how you fell asleep this afternoon. In my arms." Why his he asking so nicely. "Why are you being so nice?" If Ace is being nice than something is wrong. "So you can work efficiently tomorrow and don't wake me up anymore." Of course what else could I expect from Ace Emerson.

"It's okay I won't wake you up and I'll work perfectly tomorrow." I don't want him sleeping with me. Though we did fall asleep this afternoon that was different since it was unintentional. "Will you just shut up and accept my kindness. I'm just going to hug you until you go to sleep. It's not like I like doing this or like we're having sex." Now he sounds a little annoyed. "I don't need your kindness." Now I'm getting annoyed. If this is what he calls kindness he has a lot of improving to do.

All of a sudden I feel something heavy around my waist and being pulled towards Ace. Now we are spooning. Let me tell you, I am not comfortable with this. "Stop being so stubborn and go to sleep." His cold and dismissive tone breaks my state of shock. I try to wiggle out of his grasp but unfortunately it doesn't work. After a while of struggling I give up and just go to sleep.

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