IDENTITY: Maverick Bourne - born as Mark Fowler
AGE: 19 - September 13, 1999
STATUS: Rouge -15 months off the radar
POSITIONS: BlackIce Operative - CIA field agent
BIO: Born in Fort Worth, Tx, in the United States, to Jameson Fowler and Marry Fowler. He has one younger sister who turns seven soon, named Isabella Rose Fowler. Has one older brother who is currently 24 years old, named Johnson T. Fowler. Serves in the U.S. military. Has a golden retriever named Beacon (male) and a German shepherd named Tucker (also male). Light blonde with darker roots (dyed when he left the CIA and changed it to red). Usually neatly combed and gelled to the side (leaves it messy after he left). Has dark green eyes the color of sea grass. Slightly tanned skin and very muscular for his age. Roughly 5'10" tall and has long legs. Typically wears white t-shirts and black pants or white dress shirts and tan pants. Likes to stay up with men's fashion and once in a while can be seen wearing a suit or tie (stops wear suits after leaving). Two scars on his left hip from knife wounds. A small burn mark on his right lower leg, a bullet wound that never fully healed on his left shoulder, and a jagged scar line that was crudely stitched up due to a rush and being hurried. Often now seen wearing either a Casual Winter Cotton Military Jackets Outdoor Coat (light brown/tan) or an Italian Military Surplus Combat Jacket, Olive Drab color.
KNOWN PERSONNEL: Affiliated with BlackIce, CIA, U.S. government, British Intelligence, and also Austrailian Intelligence (2 months).
BACKGROUND: Mark Fowler showed no interest in the CIA originally but when his brother was asked to take part in a black operation, he willingly agreed. As a sibling friendship, his brother convinced Mark to also train beside him as his training took place. But after a few months of training, a horrible accident happened to cause him to drop out of the program. But even though John had dropped out, the program still had its eyes on Mark as he had shown great promise while training by his brother's side. The CIA took interest at Mark when he turned 15, they offered him the option to try out for a special ops program, the same which his brother had been offered. Without hesitation, he accepted the job.
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: Field and subject analysis- Morowa Evans: When I first went to check up on Maverick Bourne, he was in prime condition with no medical needs needed. He was in top shape and was willing to get anything done if it was his mission. He did show some signs of anxiety towards the beginning but it faded away quickly. However, as I later reviewed him, his lack of feelings started to occur, slowly turning into more of a shadowy soldier than human. He had difficulty describing feelings of others and himself for a brief time but overcame it eventually. A loss of depth perception during the middle of his part in his part in BlackIce. In the later years of his work, he also gained more stress and headaches, often resulting in pain when staring into lights such as ones in a normal household. Toward the end of his work, Maverick spoke of never leaving or going rogue. His character seemed normal before disappeared when failed to finish a job. He never showed signs of aggression or irritation, only proper etiquette and politeness, something none of the other candidates often used.
Project: Black Ice
ActionMaci Reacher wasn't the only one to be apart of the rogue operation. Nor was she the last in it either. Back when Black Ice was still authorized and being used apart of the nine black operations for the U.S. government, there were others. Before Mac...