Chapter Four

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Dress she tried on above :) 

Archer pulls in front of the shop Marina and I had once shopped at many years ago

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Archer pulls in front of the shop Marina and I had once shopped at many years ago. Looking through the car window, my eyes lay upon an up marked shop which is designed and wrapped in expensive materials to create a decadent and inviting place one could easily envy or desire if their bank account couldn't afford the product sold within their walls.

Instead, the beautifully cleaned automatic sliding doors resemble a bitter sweet jail cell that I may or may not survive. What if Marina hates me after what I've done to her son? If someone did that to my child, I don't believe I would be that nice to them either.

I have to dig a little deeper this time. But I manage to pluck some courage out of the deep depths of my mind. I take one deep calming breath before opening the door and stepping out onto the side walk. The part about growing up and becoming an adult is accepting your past actions and working them out. I can't run away from them forever, because living in fear isn't an option and neither is hiding behind a masked or a person. We just have to accept things and build with the remains. If Nathan can find it within his heart to build a better relationship to work on our past differences, Marina surely can as well.

I'm taken by surprise and not given a moment to mull over this decision or thought of action. Lucy loops her arm through mine and starts directing me towards the front of the shop. My heart beats wildly in my chest, and like a horror film, we progress further without getting a chance to think. Lucy has always managed to be head strong, which is a great quality to retain throughout life.

"Reality isn't anything like the scenarios playing in your mind, Riley," she says.

The doors ping open and we progress forwards. I'm met by cool scented air and the relief of an empty shop. While Marina is a lovely lady, and I would like to see her again, I don't think I could do it without the reassurance of Nathan telling me she doesn't hate me. I consider Marina a friend, and I would hate for our relationship to be tainted by something so old and foolish. I don't want to be judged for my past actions, as they are in the past. My future endeavours have a reflection of my current mind state and desires. Therefore, a changed person will not be received through old ideas.

My attention flickers to the lady behind the counter. Within a few seconds of entering the shop, she'd descended from the front checkout desk and over to our direction to greet us. Beautiful service, that's a bit different. But then, if you're shopping with a place where they chuck a couple of zero's on the price tag, you'd want to be offered tea or coffee when browsing.

"Hi, I'm Bridget, and I will be serving you today. If you need any help or would like me to prepare a change room for you, I can gladly do so," she explains.

My eyes follow the length of her body, quickly scanning her appearance before smiling back and saying, "Hello, and thanks."

She's a tall girl, or perhaps the heels make her appear much taller than what she really is? Her dyed blonde hair is perfectly clipped to the side and flowing over the side of her right shoulder, which almost looks like a flowing river of blonde, curled hair. Her bright green eyes shine down on us.

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