Mr. Hueso's Nursery Rhymes of Horror

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Riana was sleeping until a cheerful and optimistic girl ringtone wakes her up.

Riana said "Hello"

The screen splits and you see Maridalena holding a cupcake.

Maridalena said "Riana you're not gonna believe what just happened i tried to sleep, but it's working and then i drink warm milk but it's working and i just eat 12 cupcakes and now it stress me out!?"

Riana said "You want me to read you a nursery rhyme"

Maridalena said "Yes that's great Riana"

The conversation ends and Riana growled.

Riana and Maridalena transition

Mr. Hueso said "Don't tell me Maridalena eats 12 cupcakes."

Maridalena puts Riana on a chair.

"Maridalena i....."

Maridalena gives Riana a book.

"Read us a story"

Riana said "Once upon a time....the end" as she throws a book in the fire.

Maridalena and Mr Hueso's jaw dropped.

"I got a story of my own"

Maridalena clapped and laughed like a baby.

Riana began to read.

~Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday,
Christened on a stark and stormy Tuesday,
Married on a grey and grisly Wednesday,
Took ill on a mild and mellow Thursday,
Grew worse on a bright and breezy Friday,
Died on a grey and glorious Saturday,
Buried on a baking, blistering Sunday.
That was the end of Solomon Grundy~

Maridalena said "That was a scary nursery rhyme......i'll go first"

~A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?~

Mr. Hueso yawned.

Riana said "Well i'm going to sleep"

Maridalena yawned "I'm getting tired"


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