Wake Up Call

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Correction * my writing isn't even that good , I procrastinate like a mf , so expect alot of that continuing this story , but I write long soooooooo.* But waddup guys , I'm Ari 😅, Des's bestie till the restie🤧 .

I got a call waking me up from my sleep ,I wiped my eyes and looked at the screen, It was Leon, probably checking on me so I answered.

Leon : hey babe , hyd?
I ... did something.
Leon : what did you do , why are you talking like that ?
I got our daughter back today ....
Leon : is that why Malu is missing?
What do you mean she's missing ?
* Malik comes into play *
Malik : nah bro I'm telling you she's gone , for good.
Yeah , he's telling the truth she's gone , we no longer have to worry about her.
Leon : so you got the babies ? , As in both ?
yeah , I took hers to the hospital, malik needs to go get it since it's his kid they know all of that stuff.
Leon : are you okay ? , I know that was hard .
I mean for the most part I think i just missed my child , Malu wasn't really all that much to me .
Leon : well I'm just glad your happy and we have our daughter back .
she's sleeping now , she looks so peacefully , I'm mad I missed her first steps.
Leon : she can walk now ?
yes , I placed her on the couch when we came home and she got off by herself and walked to me without any help.
Leon : man, that's not fair , I shouldn't have to not seen my baby take her first steps.
But you'll seem them tomorrow when we come back , or you can come over , it's only me and des and the baby.
Malik : dont cry ari , you sound like you're about too
Leeky I promise im not , I'm okay I swear .
Leon : well , we'll be over in 10 okay ? , And i bring some food with us .
Okay . . .
Leon : I love you baby.
I love you more , my adorable human .
* I hang up *

I get up from the couch and go into the bathroom and start crying. My baby was taken from me and I missed her first step in the process , that's an important milestone I didn't want to miss . Des must've heard me crying, she came to the door and asked me if I was okay . I looked at myself in the mirror and said " No Des, I missed her first steps , I feel like a bad mom ." Des comes over and hugs me tightly and I start crying more. She was always there for me when I needed her , truly my best friend , after a few minutes there's a knock on the door , I wipe my face breaking out of the hug and grabbing some tissue and fixing myself before going to the door and opening it. Malik come in and hugs me and Leon follows hugging me very tightly then spots the baby and runs over to her and picking her up , waking her out of her sleep . She squirms and starts to rub her eyes open and her face lights up , Leon hold her close to his chest and starts crying. Malik asks him if he's okay , I mean this is really the first time he's been close to his daughter so I understand. I go to Leon and hug him as we all sit down and cry together. We could finally be a family, a real one, me and Leon could actually watch over and protect our daughter with the help of Des & Malik and the rest of the guys . I get from off the floor , taking the baby from Leon, placing her on the floor and she starts crawl around. " You guys never told us what you named her " malik says , Leon looks at me and says " oh shit, you're right , but her name is Daphne " Des comes to Daphne and says " hello I'm your auntie des , your such a cute baby" . I smile as Leon wraps his arms around me holding me , I rest my head back on his shoulder and then decide to watch a movie . Malik makes popcorn and des grabs Daphne, Daphne really liked her lol, Des tried to pass her to me and she wasn't going. We settled in on watching " All Dogs Go To Heaven" I move Leon's hand from his lap and sit in it , making myself comfortable and then placing his arm on my thigh . Malik sits with Des on the other side of us with Daphne at her feet , playing with Des socks . I lay back on Leon and think about how our family would be , we now had the chance to be better parents to our daughter and have some help along the way when times get hard , Leon snaps me out of my thoughts as he starts rubbing my thighs . After a few moments I feel myself drifting off and I lay head on the nearby pillow, then a blanket is placed over me by which I'm assuming is Des , then I finally go to sleep.

The next morning
8:30 am
The House

It's 8:40 and I'm about to go get my daughter or son , I was kind of nervous but not serious because des was about to be finished in about a week or so , I got up from the couch leaving des ari & lee sleep and went to go take a shower, as I turned on the water waiting for it to heat up I thought to myself about how there's gonna be that one day my kids ask me how they're related when they don't look alike or one is not as similar as the other. After I finish, I go into me & des room and throw on my Warriors hoodie and joggers and my slides and grab the keys and head out. As I pull out the driveway, I text des so she doesn't freak . I decided to pull over at Dunkin Donuts because I haven't ate and I was real hungry.

Walking into the hospital I slowly started feeling my blood pressure go up and my hands starting to sweat , I go to the front desk and say what my name is and they tell me that they have my child in the nursery. One of the nurses takes me there , I throw my hands in my pockets as the nurse asks me " Are you able to take care of this child? , Her mother never showed up , she was brought by a friend " , I sigh as we come to the nursery, " Yeah ,I got some help , just enough to help me raise my baby , everything's good " I say looking through the window. " "Number 5 is yours sir " the nurse says walking away. I start counting down from 9 and found 5 , it was a boy . The nurse inside the room asked me which one was mine, I told her 5 , they wrapped my son up and handed him to me slowly , he was basically good . I sighed at the sight of him , he was beautiful , he had Malu's hair but looked like me in the face . Des got a car seat a long time ago that we were gonna use for our baby but we could use it now , I grabbed it out the trunk and made sure my son was strapped in .

When I finally got back home , Ari was up playing with Daphne , Daphne runs over to Leon , waking him up . Des sits up and stretches and then looks at me , I bring the baby next to her and take him out of the carseat and hand him to her , "his name is Jordan "I tell her as she holds up closely. Daphne comes next to us and starts reaching for the baby , we all laugh .

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