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The next day

  Des pov

I wake up around 8:00 AM. That's about the time I would usually wake up back in philly. I forgot LA has a 3 hour time difference. I wake up to maliks arm around me. I wiggle myself out the bed without waking him up. I walk in the bathroom and use it. Then I turn on the sink washing my face. I walk into the kitchen and get me a glass of water then i go into the living room and sit on the couch. Leon walks out rubbing his eyes. I aint gon lie he looked hella good. But ari is my best friend and I'm in love with Malik. "Why you up so early" he says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh" i say. "Why are you up so early" he says again. "Oh idk I'm just not used to the time difference yet" i say. "Makes sense" he says walking over and plopping down on the couch next to me. "So when do y'all find out the gender of the baby" i ask. "Um I think next momth" he says. I nod my head. "What do you want it to be" i ask. "Honestly like I told ari, it really doesn't matter as long as it's healthy" he says. "Awhh" i coo. "You hungry" he asks. "Yeah kinda" i say. He gets up and grabs the keys. "Come on" he says. I get up and follow.

Leon pov

Me and des get in the car. "Where you wanna go" i ask looking at her. "Mcdonalds" she says. Were on our way to mcdonalds. "Get my phone and go to my voice memo app" i tell her. "Then go to the one that says NTD, then play the first one" i tell her. After the song is over i say "that's one of our new songs" "What's it called" she asked. "Lovers theme" i say.  "Omg it's so good" she says. "Yeah, i made  one for ari, you wanna hear it" i ask. "Of course" she says. "Play the one that says ari" I tell her. After the song i look over and she's sobbing. "Why you crying" i ask her. "Leon that's beautiful" she says. "You think she'll like it" i ask. "She's going to love it" she says. We finally get to mcdonalds. The lady takes our orders then we head back to the house. When we get back leek and ari are still sleep. Me and des sit at the table. After we finish eating i go back into the room and get in the shower.

  Malik pov

Des walks in the room. "Where you been" i ask her. "Me and lee went to mcdonalds" she says walking into the closet. "Mmm" i say. "What" She says turning around smiling. "Nothing" i say getting up kissing her. "Good morning btw" i say. She gets in the shower i hop in with her. (Nothing happened I just thought it made sense) after the shower we do our morning routine. We get dressed and head out the door. We go to a couple doctor offices until we found one we both liked. Her first appointment was next week. We get back to the house and take a nap.

Ari pov

It's around 4 in the afternoon. Me and leon go to des and leeks room. "Hey" i say. "Hola" des said. We went to ask them if they would do the honors of being in charge of our gender reveal. Des almost cried and leek was just excited. "Of course" they said and hugs us.

  I know this chapter is SHORT AS SHIT. I'm running out of ideas for this book and this chapter. Bare with me. Stay tuned loves❤️

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