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"Babe, I don't like it either, but I gotta go." Yondu explained as he packed his bag. "Xandar was attacked, the power Stone was taken, it's only a matter of time before Thanos gets the other stones."

"Exactly, which I why I don't want you to go." I argued. "If Thanos has the stones he can and will kill you."

"I know the risks, Devora, but I gotta go."

"You'd rather risk your life than spend it with your fucking family?"

"That's why I'm goin', so I can spend my life with my family. I gotta keep y'all safe... even if that means dyin' in the process."

"You can't die, Yondu. I won't let you do this."

"I'm sorry." Yondu signed and pressed his lips to mine. "I'm leavin' in the mornin', can we just spend this time together not arguin'?"

"Okay." I gently nodded. "What are we gonna tell Riar and Dextenya?"

     "The truth. We'll tell 'em that the galaxy is in danger and I gotta go help save it."

     "I wish you did't have to go alone."

     "I won't be alone, I'll have Quill and the others."

     "That's not what I meant, Yondu."

     "I know, but ya can't go. Not only will I not let ya go, but after Xandar was attacked, I haven't been able to get ahold of Rhomann Dey or Irani Rael. There is no one who can watch the kids, and I'm not about to bring 'em along."

     "I know... but it doesn't make any of this easier." Yondu let out a sigh and pulled me into him.

     "Me, either."


     "What are you talking about?" Riar asked as he took a bite of his Orloni steak.

     "What happened in Xandar, it's happenin' everywhere." Yondu explained. "Other planets, other galaxies, people are dyin'."

"Can anyone stop it?" Dextenya asked.

"People are fightin' as we speak."

"Riar, Dex— your dad has been asked to join the fight... and he accepted." I sighed.

"No, Dad!" Riar shouted.

"You can't go, Daddy!" Dextenya cried.

"ENOUGH!" Yondu shouted, causing the room to fall silent. "Now, look, I don't wanna leave y'all, but I got to. I gotta make the galaxy safe for y'all... and Peter's out there."

"Peter?" Riar asked.

"Yeah. I gotta help 'em."

"Is he gonna be okay?" Dextenya asked.

"Don't worry about Peter, girl. I'm gonna be by his side, and we're gonna come home as soon as the war's over. Your mama is gonna stay here with y'all, keep ya safe while I'm gone."

"What about Grandpa Stakar?"

"I haven't heard from 'em in a while, but as soon as I get in touch, I'll send 'em your way, Grandpa Rhomann and Aunt Irani, too."

"Are you gonna die?" The room fell silent, neither one of us had it in us to tell them that truth, but judging by our silence and the look on their faces, they already knew the answer.

Yondu's Krylorian: Infinity WarWhere stories live. Discover now