Chapter 3

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Jason and I walk to our room, where we are greeted by Jackson.

"Ah, you're back. It's suppertime."

We walk into the dining room and sit down. There is a bunch of strange foods sitting on the table that I have never seen, like a reddish stew and green apples.

"What is this?" I ask, taking a blue steak and looking at it skeptically.

"Blue cow beef. It's a capitol special, as well as everything else on this table," Jackson says.

"What is this stew made of?" asks Jason.

"It's red mushroom stew," Jackson says.

I eat as much as I can and push my chair away from the table.

"I'm going to my room," I say. Jackson nods.

"It's always good to get sleep before and after training."

Saying that reminds me of my mom, and my chest aches. I hurriedly walk to my room and close the door. I lie on the bed and try not to cry.

I wonder how my mom is doing right now. Is she grieving, or is she sitting in the living room, waiting for the games to begin? Or is she avoiding the TV at all costs until she's forced to watch?

So many questions are swimming in my head that I can't answer. I get up and walk to the window, where I could see the tall buildings in the Capitol.

I heard someone come in and turnaround. Jason in standing in my doorway.

"I saw that your light was still on and came to check on you," he says softly.

"Oh, thanks. I'm fine, in case you were wondering," I say, trying to sound strong when I was really breaking up inside.

"Okay, Skyler," he says. He turns and walks out.

I get up and turn off my light. In the darkness, I stumble to my bed and snuggle in, wishing of home.

In the morning, I wake up early and is about to go outside to tend the cows when I remember, I'm not at home. I sigh and walk out of my room. Breakfast is on the table, and I eat what I can.

"Good morning, Skyler," says Jackson. He's already at the table, sipping his coffee.

"Hi," I reply. I can't find it in myself to call this a good morning.

Jason walks out of his room and sits down as well. He begins to scarf down food and at first I'm a little taken aback, but then again, I've never lived with a teenage boy.

When we're done, Jackson stands up.

"Alright you two. Go to the training arena and meet me back here by noon for lunch."

Jason and I run toward the training arena and I immediately find Mitch and Jerome.

"Hey!" I say cheerfully. They grin when they see me.

"Hey Skyler! What do you want to do today?" Mitch asks.

"Survival skills first, then fighting," I say. Together, we walk towards the survival section, where there is food, camoflauge, basic skills, ect.

On the way, I see Ty and Adam from yesterday sword fighting. They see me and wave. I wave back.

"You know them?" Jerome asks.

"Yeah. I met them yesterday," I say. "They're cool."

Mitch nods.

"I met the guy with the sunglasses, Adam, walking here. He's from District 12, so pretty close to my district."

"What district are you from?" I ask.

"I'm from 11," says Mitch.

"Seven," says Jerome.

"I'm from 10," I say.

"Cool," says Jerome.

We reach the food section and I see Ian, who I also met yesterday.

"What do we do here?" Mitch asks.

"Learn what food is safe and which isn't, as well as making it and sanitation. All that jazz," I say.

"Oh hey, Skyler!" Ian says. He's busily making a cake, which can be useful in the Minecraftian Games.

"You know him too?" Jerome asks.

"Also met him yesterday," I say simply.

"Ah," he nods.

Together, Mitch, Jerome and I learn at survival basics and then work with sword fighting and axe fighting. It was honestly a lot of fun, for the last day of training before the games.

When the buzzer goes, Mitch, Jerome and I say goodbye to each other.

"Wait, Skyler. Before you go, I have a question. Do you want to have an alliance with Jerome and I?" Mitch asks. I grin.

"Of course."

I walk towards the exit and wave goodbye to Adam, Ty and Ian as well. I race up the stairs and enter my temporary house.

"Ah, Skyler! You're back! After we eat, we'll be looking through the list of tributes," Jackson says. Jason is already at the table eating.

I sit down and begin eating. When Jason and I are done, we sit down on the couch and stare at a large screen. Jackson takes a remote from his pocket and clicks a button, which makes the screen turn on. He clicks another button and the first tributes appears.

He explains every single tribute and clicks the screen off. (I'll list tributes at the end of the chapter)

"Good. Now that we're done, we must get you ready for the training test," Jackson says.

------time skip-------

I've been sitting outside the training room for ages. Finally, after Jason walks out, I walk in.

I look around. Axes, swords, bows, knives. Pretty much every weapon you can think of.

I pick up a sword and slash a dummy to pieces. I lay down the sword and pick up the bow. I flawlessly shoot the three targets set up in the centre. I pick up the axe and remember what Jerome taught me. I chop, bash and twirl, taking the head off a dummy.

I lay down all the weapons and leave the room. My work here is done.

A/N: Hey guys! That was really long... wow.
Anyway, here's the list of tributes. All youtubers and Skyler are in bold.

District 1: Clos and Dawn (I have Dawn because I needed girl Minecraft youtubers, IK she's not on youtube anymore)

District 2: Titus and Alexis

District 3: Ty and Tiffany

District 4: Quentin and Coral

District 5: Watt and Dina

District 6: Aran and Kiva

District 7: Jerome and Maple

District 8: Burton and Calico

District 9: Ian and Rye

District 10: Jason and Skyler

District 11: Mitch and Willow

District 12: Adam and Brooke

This is my Fate: Minecraft Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now