How you meet

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You met in Math tutoring. You where both struggling with that year of Math. You had an extra lesson together. You started talking with each other and he finally gave you his phone number. Things escalated from there. You are now in a relationship of 18 months.


You where ordering in Subway when someone slapped your butt. You confronted the man and he apologised. You got talking and exchanged phone numbers. You where friends for a year before you both realised that you wanted more. You have been going out for 6 months.


You where at the doctors when a man came in and sat behind you. He was obviously on his phone as he was laughing. It was a cute laugh but after a while it got annoying. You turned around and was about to rant at him when he looked up at you and smiled. He had dimples and your heart melted. You asked to meet up with him again after talking to him and finding out he was a drummer. He agreed and not long after your first day out together you had your first date. You have now been dating for 2 years.


You where at the vets when your dog took a liking to a mans dog. Your dog practically dragged you over to them and you had no choice but to sit down. You and the man got talking and arranged to see each other again soon. 2 years after being bestest friends you started going out and have been now for a year.

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