Episode 2 part 1

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We were eating chicken while talking to Jahil and Alex was getting on my nerves talking bout how he ain't legit
"Would it be legit if I slapped you"I said glaring at her
"Come on Shine you picked this guy up from a strip club isn't that Shady"she said
"He got us performing at a party we have a social presence on the internet he gained my trust when we walked into that house so if he is our manager let him manage"I got a text
D🍆errick🥰:Cum over😋😛
I got up real quick
"Whose that?"Jahil asked
"If it's not you, it ain't your business" I walked out and got an Uber to Derrick's as soon as he opens the door he pulls me in and we got at it for two hours
"So y'all started with the manager" he asked taking a hit of the blunt
"Yeah he did really good with that party with Hunter Morgan I even got to meet him"Derrick looked at me funny
"Oh yeah"passing the blunt to me I took a hit
"Yeah we talked for a few I even gave him my number" Derrick tensed up through out the rest of the time he did not talk much but I just ignored it I had bigger things I need to focus on like this photo shoot the guy was kinda a ass because he kept on trying to make Alex lighter and out the attention on me and Star
"Hey home boy don't you think that's enough powder" I said
"Shine he's just doing his job" Star said
"No he's not what he's doing is making me lighter" Alex said
"You know what I think i got what I need" the photographer said I walked to get my make up
"Shine!" Star followed me
"What?!" I said
"We need to look good if we want to get into this festival and win" she said
"Star you know I want this just as much as you but I draw the line when race comes into play okay Alex is just as important as you and me her and Simone have cultural backgrounds that make our image sensitive and unique" I said pointing at them
"I know but we need to be tougher they need to be tougher" she said pointing at them I just grabbed my stuff
"You know when it comes to being a star I'm as ruthless and as tough as you but I won't bring the group down so that one of us goes up" I walked out and headed to the salon just to start working I got a text
"Still texting Derrick or is it Hunter?" Star said
"You know you my sister but I will fuck you up" I said she cocked her head
"Hey no fighting in my Salon now what's wrong with you two" Carlotta said
"She is on her period cause the camera guy didn't give Alex more attention so she's babying her" Star said
"God can you be more cold ain't no wonder why miss ruby thinks you the devil" I said putting a wig back  on the shelf
"You gonna keep saying that" she said
"Oh yes imma make it a GIF" I said
" some things never change" Carlotta said she said getting up and leaving
" what are we gonna do about this demo" Alex said
"I was thinking we can have Simone lead the next one"  I said
"Really you wanna give it to highest person in the salon" Star said I glared
"Look Simone needs the spotlight too ... damn Star you gotta share the spotlight" we were silent until Miss Bruce started talking about vouging and Alex started vouging our of no where But was interrupted but Rolland Crane.... her dad?!

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