Act 4: Sailor Moon

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We left the damp alleyway and made our way to a clothing shop, Koto couldn't keep walking around the city in a princess dress. She bought bright blue skinny jeans and a pink tee-shirt, she was in glee to be shopping. I decided to do a little shopping too. I tried on a pair of pure-white skinny jeans and fell in love with them! So I purchased them and we exited the store, not sure of what to do next. "So, what's the next step?" Koto-chan questioned and seemed to be pondering.

"To be honest I have no idea." I sighed, walking to a bench and sitting on it.

"Well, Aunt Setsuna said that we have to rid this world of the evil things..."

"Soul eaters." I added, and she looked at me quizzically. "My mother used to warn me about them all the time. She told me they came from a parallel universe where everything was evil and corrupted. She said that they had a unending hunger for souls." I finished, and a chill went down my spine.

"What is the soul? I mean... I know what a soul is but what is it physically?" She asked, pursing her lips.

"I used to know, but I can't remember. I wish I knew..." I thought hard, trying to recall what my mother had told me growing up. Most of memories were lost but I couldn't seem to revive this one.

We decided to leave the bench and do some exploring around the city of Tokyo, there wasn't much else to do. We walked the streets for a few hours until we came across a little arcade and we went inside, the guy working there was so hot... He was tall and had dirty blonde hair, he approached us as soon as we entered. "Hey girls, my name is Andrew. Let me know if you need anything okay?" He winked and walked on.

"Holy hottie." Koto giggled and ran over to some sort of game. "OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAILOR V VIDEO GAME!"

"What's that?" I laughed, joining her.

"You've never heard of the Sailor V Video Game?! It's awesomeeeeeeee. It's based on the adventures of Sailor Venus before she joined up with the inner senshi. She was known as Sailor V back then." Koto explained, losing herself into the game.

"Who's Sailor Venus?" I continued, feeling confused.

"Sailor Venus. Minako Aino. Long Blonde hair, cute red bow, drop-dead gorgeous." She stated. Then I remembered her, from the Crystal Palace. She was so beautiful. I questioned Koto about the other nameless senshi that was in the Crystal Palace and she explained them to me. The short blue-haired girl that moved like a flowing river was Ami Mizuno, Sailor Mercury. The long black-haired girl that had fire in her eyes was Rei Hino, Sailor Mars. Then, the girl that looked nearly identical to Koto was Makoto Kino, Sailor Jupiter who was also Koto's future mother. She also mentioned that there were four other senshi other than than those and Sailor Pluto, but she did not elaborate.

I played some games myself, but none of them seemed to entertain me long enough. I couldn't get the images out of my head of all the things I can remember and the things I experienced today. It's not easy having amnesia, or whatever this is. I wish I could just blink my eyes and remember my past, who I was, and my friends that I continue to ache for. I finished one last game and I approached Koto, she was still playing Sailor V or whatever it's called. Then, the doors to the arcade opened and five girls stood in the doorway and then walked in. My jaw almost hit the floor, I was so shocked. It was Neo-Queen Serenity, unmistakably in some sort of sailor school uniform. Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako were also there accompanying her. They were giggling about something and all seemed so joyful and happy. I went to run up to them when Koto grasped my arm, I turned to her and she had an urgent look in her eyes. "We can't involve them until we have no other choice, Usagi already knows too much of her future in this time slot." She exclaimed.

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