Hello school

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The class did not go so well. but happily not to bad ether.
Well we so suck in this.
But true the class I had a feeling off a pear off eyes was on me, so sometimes I would looked up to see that the blonde haired boy was looking at me wit a questioning and curious glance. not a faltering gaze but more inquisitive glance.
But then he would looked away again and so did I.
Diana saw it as well,but did not think to much about it.
(School bell rings!)
"What is that?"Both me and Diana asks and they all looks at us and walks out of off the room and someone laughs.
"Okay. you can live." says the teacher and we go out.
"Okay. that was not embarrassing at all. "Says Diana.
"Oh no." I say back just as sarcastically as she had been.
Later is a free period and we see some girls in uni forms. short skirts and tops.
Diana looks at me and I look back at her with a smile.
Then one of the girls shouts out."cheer Try out is now!"
Diana smiles at me. "Oh. shall we?" She asks me and I smirk.
"Lets show them what we got!" I reply back and off we go into the gym.
We come up to the girls who are sitting at a table and a player.I think they call it.
They look at us and we them.
"So this is where we can try out for?"
Ask Diana.
The girls look strangely at us.
"You two? ha! You do not have what it takes."

says a girl with brown hair and gray eyes,giving us ugly looks and smiles while the other girls laughs.The two beside her were, a girl with short black hair and blue eyes.and the other had pure wite hair,that were short,and she had blue green eyes.
"Well what do you know? you haven't seen us jet."
I tell her and Diana smiles at me.
The girl raises an eyebrow before she leans over and turns on the music.
We walk back away a bit and Diana whisperers to me.
"Please try not to go all the way up."
I smile saying."Oh. I would not dream of it."
We smile more and do our best.

The beat is good and we both starts to do some turns,spin and adds some splits then jumps,then we do the weal two times before we do a turn back facing them and then jumps doing spin and some other stuff.
The girls looks at us with big eyes and open mouths. When we are done and the music is over,some of the guys smiles or looks surprised like the girls.
"You know what. I do not think this is something for us, but thanks anyway." I say before we walk back out.
The three guys from earlier looking after us and the one with brown hair says.
"Man. those two are fiiiine!"

The other brown hair guy hits him in the head and they looks at etch other, the blonde guy looks just after us with a small smile.
The first guy looks at the other and says." What?" domb founded.
The other just shakes his head and the first says.
"They ware good."

Later the school day is over and we are walking out side.
But then We smell something and the tree boys are a few feet ahead off us.
"Uhg. what is that awful smell?" Ask Diana and we sees the boys and got up to them.
"Ah-ha. Should have known that smells like wet dogs!" Says Diana. And I narrow my brows and do smell it now. Oh-oh,this is not good.
The one brown haired guy gets mad and looks angrily at her. "Says the Witch."
He said with a low tone and I look at them all.
"What are you doing here. Morgan's?"
He asks and Diana says angrily back.
"Not too smell you. off cores!"
He gets more angrily and steps forward but the other two guys holds him back.
"We did not come here to make any problems." I say calm and takes Diana by her hand.
Keeping her calm.
"Oh?" He say not believing us one bit.
"No. So just stay away from us. And we will do the same with you."I say and just then a care comes up and all the people here looks up at it and gets far away from it.
We look and sees it is uncles care.
"Com on!" said Diana and pools me towards it.
"We don't want things like them on us." She say angrily and we gets into the care.
And uncle drives away and they all looks after us until we are out off side.
It is quiet in the car till uncle says something.
"How was it?" He asks and I nearly wanna laugh.
Me and Diana looks at etch others and say together ....

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