Mistake House

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My eyes opened to be greeted by an unfamiliar abandoned house that appeared to be from the nineteenth century. Many of its windows were cracked and the bricks were crumbling from the lack of care put into the building over the years. I swallowed an uneasy feeling that crawled up my spine and twisted the doorknob in front of me. The inside was dark and dusty, my feet guiding me through the door and into the old home. The door slammed behind me, but when I turned it was no longer there. My breath caught in my throat and my feet stumbled away from the bricked off wall. The sound of my heart pounded in my ears as I turned, candlelight brightening up the small room. There was a lone door in front of where I stood. I hesitantly grasped its handle, cracked it open, and stepped inside. The room was completely empty aside from a single chair sitting at the back wall.

Why have you come to the house of Mistakes?

Who?!? My eyes bounced around the room before landing on a jester who sat impaled to the once empty chair by spikes. Blood covered its body, stained the seat, and pooled at its feet. It pointed a long, shakey claw towards me before a large blade swung down from the ceiling and collided with my skull. Unbearable pain coursed through my body and darkness consumed me. I opened my eyes, hand still on the doorknob of the room. My hands placed themselves over my face, fresh tears trickling down as I felt my intact features; body trembling and mind racing. I sat on the floor with my eyes covered to hide from the figures that danced in my peripheral and the door that stood shut in front of me. I could feel the warm wooden floor turn cold beneath me, my hands slowly lowering so I could peek at the ground. I sat on a steel floor with small holes.

Do you not know your sins?

A new voice echoed in my mind as another mistake stood in front of me; burnt to a crisp and still burning. The holes in the ground began to spark before bright red flames enveloped my body. My screams were drowned by the roar of the fire and the smell of my own burning flesh invading my nose. My knees buckled and I fell backward to the ground consumed by burning light. My body fell through the floor into a shockingly cool liquid, my unmarred hands floating in front of me as I slowly sunk further down to the floor of the unfamiliar room. My mouth was stuck open from when I was screaming moments ago. I choked on the water that crawled down my throat into my lungs, a new jester floating above me. It was unnaturally bloated like it had died in water that soaked into its dead corpse for days.

Don't you know? We're all dead in purgatory.

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