10th grade dance

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I love going to dances I hope I get asked to go with someone it's been my dream since 1st grade. I'm hoping that Niall will ask me. But if he doesn't then I'll ask I guess.

" hey (Y/N). Wait up, I gotta tell you something." It was Niall, go figure.

" Yea? What is it?"

" I got asked to go to the dance by someone already!!"

My smile fell, " Yea that's great."

He noticed that my smile fell , I knew he would he can literally see right through me.

" Whats wrong?"

" Nothing I'm happy for you. Who is she?"

" No I'm not really going with her, she asked me I turned her down and said I already had someone in mind to go with." His smile was wider than the Golden Gate Bridge.

" Oh yea who would that be?"

" Well, a, I was wondering if you wanted to go with, a, me?"

"Of course I'll go with you, I was hoping that you would ask me. I mean we are best friends. Right?"

" Yea, we are."

Then the day suddenly went slower than normal, all I could think about was the dance.

Niall texted me after school and said

" meet me at the park after school, plz I gotta tell you something important!!"

" sure be there at 4:00pm k?"

" yea love ya bye!!!!"

What's does that mean?? What did he mean by he loves me like as a friend or as a girlfriend?? I don't even know I'll ask him. Later. Today. Not now. Okay I need to calm down. I'm over reacting about this. Right? Am I?? I'm so confused.

Later,at 4:00

I'm just sitting on the swing freaking out, I don't know what to do. What if he finds out that I love him too? What if he really loves me????? I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DOO!!!!! Oh great here he comes, I'm just gonna look at the ground.

" Hey! What's up??"

I look up. At him my eyes sorta watering, I hope he doesn't notice.

" Nothing what's up with you?"

" Did I do something?"

" Well sorta. I guess I'm just paranoid. It's just when you texted me you said love you. And I didn't know what you meant like love you as a friend or something more."

He started to like freak out and I'm just sitting here, he's on the ground almost crying and I didn't insult him at all.

" Niall what's wrong??"

" I knew this would happen. I just knew it. You knew that I liked you. That's why I said it. Because I thought you liked me too.... But I guess not."

" Niall what are you talking about, I like you too, like a lot. I don't know why we haven't talked about this before because we obviously have liked each other for a while."

I was rubbing his head now, his hair is so soft, then he spoke up.

" (Y/N), stand up please." He looked up at me with red checks and teared up eyes. Man he looks so adorable with his glossy eyes.

I moved to get up, he reached for my hand and I let him. He followed me to the big tree.

" (Y/N), I need to do an experiment with you, to see you are really the one, for me to like. "

I nodded, in an accepting way.

I blinked, for just a second, he must have planned this timing, when I opened my eyes his lips were on mine, I love my life, I thought, we slowly drew apart. When he opened his eyes he said, out of breath,

" Yea, you're the one, I want." We walked back to our houses, hand in hand. When we came to our houses, ( we lived right next to each other.), I kissed his check and we said goodbye and walked into our houses. No one was home yet, so I decided to scream/shreeck. I love life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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