Code 11

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"what took you so long?" hyunjin asked as I arrived in the coffee shop we agreed to meet after class. "Had to dropped some papers at the office before going here" I pulled the empty chair next to hyunjin and sat. Felix and Seungmin is also here.

"hey jisung" I looked up and saw changbin hyung, he's our senior who graduated last year in the uni. He does busking at night and works at the coffee shop from 12:00 to 5:00 pm. "hey hyung!" I stood up and gave him a hug which he returned. It last for a minute until I felt a tugged at the end of my shirt. I grinned at hyung before pulling away from him and turned at hyunjin who glared at me and pout. I sighed and sat again.

"c'mon hyung you can join us" felix said and gestured changbin hyung to sit and he did. "your shift's done?" he asked "yeah" changbin hyung nodded. "but it's just 4:30?" felix asked confused. Changbin took seungmin's coffee and took a sip which earned a groan from seungmin. "I asked boss if I can end my shift earlier. I need sleep, I'll fetch someone at the airport at 11" he explained. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. He glanced at me and then to hyunjin then back to seungmin's coffee.

"who hyung?" hyunjin asked. "someone very close to me" he looked at hyunjin and smirked. "who's that 'someone' you're talking about?" he quoted changbin hyung. "you'll find out soon" he looked at me and winked. I tensed up but hyunjin placed his arm around my shoulder and I eventually relaxes. Changbin hyung seems to noticed and pointed it out.

"you and hyunjin seems close jisung"  he said. I gulped searching for words. "yeah, he's me b-best friend" I chuckled nervously and I hyunjin let out a laugh. "but I thought felix was your best friend?" he raised a brow at me and crossed his arms. I glanced at felix who gave me a worried look, then to seungmin who seems pre occupied at his phone to even care at our conversation.

"you're right b-but hyunjin is too. C-cant I have two b-best friends?" I smiled at him nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. Hyunjin took my left hand under the table and held it. "Hmm. Okay then" he said while repeatedly nodding his head. I sighed, I've been holding my breath since changbin hyung questioned us. Felix is the only one who knows about my relationship with hyunjin, even seungmin doesn't know. Now that changbin has been suspicious I felt the need to talk about this with minho.

"how are you and minho been?" changbin asked again while munching on his piece of cake. He ordered his own since seungmin kept complaing at how changbin kept taking a bite at his beloved strawberry cheesecake. "we're doing good and hella fine. We talked earlier before I went to uni" that's true though. Minho called to check on me. Hyunjin isn't there because he went to uni before me.

"I'm glad to hear that. It's nice to know that two of my friends who got together is still going strong, I just wish no one will seperate you two apart" changbin said and hyunjin started choking in his drink so I hurriedly patted his back. "you okay?" I asked and after a while he stopped coughing. "y-yeah" Seungmin stopped playing on his phone and started telling us how cute jeongin is. The topic eventually changed and we're now talking about the jeongmin couple. Felix whined about being single and earned a laugh at us. But then the atmosphere changed.

"how about you hyunjin, do you have a boyfriend?" seungmin asked this time. I saw changbin eyed hyunjin. Hyunjin gulped and I felt his tightened on my hand. "I-i don't have one right now" he said but it's barely a whisper so I'm surprised that seungmin still heard it. "girlfriend?" seungmin asked again. "I'm not interested in girls" he said and shook his head.

"are you interested in someone then?" changbin hyung raised a brow at him, with that hyunjin looked directly at changbin but soon looked away. "y-yeah" Changbin hyung was about to ask who but I cutted him off when I noticed that hyunjin's getting pale and doesn't want to talk about that topic.

"Hyunjin you said you're going to help me with my project right?" I removed my hand from his and stood up. He looked up at me with a questioning look. It takes a while before he finally gets it. "oh right!" he chuckled nervously and started getting up. "felix, seungmin and hyung, we're going now. I had fun today!" I pulled each of them in a hug before we bid our goodbye. We walked out of the coffee shop and when we're out of everyone's sight hyunjin took my hand and intertwine our hands together.

"sorry about changbin hyung" I said and rubbed soothing circles at the back of hyunjin's hand. He smiled but I can tell that it's not genuine but instead force. "it's okay" he squeezed my hand and started swaying it.

There's a silence for a moment but then hyunjin spoke up. "ji?" he called and I hummed. "you love me right?" he asked but his voice barely a whisper. I continued to rubbed soothing circles at the back of his hand and then squeezed it lightly. "of course jinnie, I love you. So mucchhh~" he chuckled but it came off bitterly for me.

"I wonder if I didn't come and ruin your relationship with minho. You seemed happy with minho before I came. It's like a perfect story with you and minho as the protagonist but then I came and ruined it and then our story started but I felt like an antagonist in my own story. And...a-and I felt bad! I sometimes think if I should c-continue my own story knowing I ruined yours with minho and I– i don't know what to do because I still want you and I still want to be with you even if it makes me the bad guy.  You know sometimes I think you just agreed to cheat with me because you pity me—" I cutted his rant off and crash my lips into his by grabbing his collar and pulling him close to me. His hands rested on my waist as he kissed back. The kiss taste salty because of his tears but at the same time sweet because I can taste the strawberry flavored chapstick he applied earlier. We pulled away, our forehead resting against each other. I rubbed our nose together and wiped his tears away.

"jinnie...You didn't ruined anything. It's my choice alright? It's my choice to be with you. I didn't agreed to be with you out of pity but it's because I love you and I want to be with you. Remember that okay bub?" I cupped his face and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "Now let's go home, I know you're tired" he nodded and smile. This time it's genuine and real.

I'm scrolling at my phone as I waited for hyunjin to finish showering. I'm currently sitting at my bed when I received a message.


Can't wait to see you!

I dropped my phone and stared at the distance. I didn't noticed when hyunjin came in but he's now sitting beside me. "what's wrong?" he asked and picked my phone on the floor before handing it back to me.

"Minho's coming home"

Just hold my hand and we'll be okay.

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