Taking Care Of Yi Ni

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To chose where Yi Ni sleep , Exo put Yi Ni in the center and see who she walk too. Baby Yi Ni walked to him....... Aww sounds of disappointment that the baby didn't choose them.

"You lucky little Unicorn" Chen pouted.

Lays stuck out his tongue at Chen.

Then some of the exo went to buy Yi Ni baby things. Since they have a sparred room Yi Ni room would be there. D.O, Lay, Chen, Chanyeol, and Kai stayed at home to watch over NiNi ( Yi Ni ) and cleaned out her now room.

Yi Ni / NiNi Pov:

Hello everybody my name is NiNi. I'm 1 years old and I'm really smart. My real parent left my at a door in a big box and my 12 Appa took me in and kept me.

:stomach rumble: Yeolie, Chen, Laa Appa looked at me and giggled. I pulled D.Oooooo Appa legs and pointed at my tummy. Chanyeol Appa picked me up and putted me on the table while D.Ooooo went to go make me some chocolate milk. The 3 other Appa went to go clean my new room. I can't drink white milk and D.Oooo Appa knows that so he only makes Choco milk. Chanyeol played with my until my milk was finished. I nibble my milk slowly after 20 minutes I was done. D.Oooo Appa tapped my back lightly and I burp. Lay Appa took me to his room tucked me in and I fell to sleep.

Exo Pov:

They were transferring NiNi news baby stuff to her new room. Exo tried to be really silence to NiNi won't wake up in her nap. Xiumin and Lay and Chen was in charge of building the dresser. Baekhyun and Chanyeol and Sehun were in charge of the play area. While Luhan and Kai and Suho are building the bed. Kris is planning where everything goes and Tao and D.O painted the wall galaxy style. After 5 hours of work everything was done now they wait for it to dry. Since it was already 9:00 pm. D.O cooked them a small meal then everyone went to bed.

--------------- Next Morning --------------

NiNi was woken up by Lay Appa shaking her lightly

"NiNi wake up" NiNi woke up right away because she is easy to wake up.

Chen open the door and jumped next to NiNi. NiNi stand up and started jumping on the bed, until Chen picked her up.NiNi gave Chen a little peck on the check and Chen was surprise. Chen Chen place NiNi in her baby seat and Chanyeol took the place and fed her. Chanyeol made sure NiNi eats her food and swallows it.

"NiNi your nickname that I called you will be Minnie" Minnie nod as OK.... Exo Appa had to go to work so they place NiNi in her room and waited for the nanny to come.

Yi Ni Pov:

The nanny was really mean to me. When she fed me my food and I didn't have time to swallow, she slapped me. I started to cry and I puked out my food, but she still made me eat the thing a puked out. She started beating me up and say I was nothing. She was just jealous that her little cousin couldn't be like me. I started to scream out for Appa but they didn't come, they were still at work. I pretend to be asleep so she won't hurt me no more. Finally I heard Appa comes home and the nanny went to kiss Suho Appa. I drag myself to lay app due to how bad she beat me up.

Lay asked me why was I like this and I pointed to nanny. Nanny just blamed that I fell off the bed when I was asleep. She glared at me and I got really scared so I grab Lay Appa legs and pulled him to my room. I started to cry and lay tapped my back lightly for me to stop. He asked me what happen again and looked around the room and saw camera , I pointed to it.

Lay Pov:

I was really worried about NiNi because of the bruises. She showed me the camera and I looked at it until I knew what she ment. I press play and saw what the B**** done to my baby. I told NiNi to stay in her room and I went outside to the living room and see Lannie(nanny) kissing Suho. I grab Lannie arm and slap her across the face. Suho stood up and punch me in the face.

"WTF lay why you hit her?" Suho yelled!

"Look at this and see what she did" Lay yelled back and plugged the camera into the tv and replay again. Lannie just stood there crying like she did nothing. Exo was shocked of what she did some started crying due to see NiNi getting beat up. Suho turned to Lannie and punched her in the face.

"How dare you do that to my Baby, it's so over, get out of my face before I hire mafia to kill you" Suho yelled in anger, his face was red.

"But I didn't do anything" Lannie act like she was innocent and stomped to the door. Kai puts his leg out to trip her and she fell, Exo started laughing. And kris pushed her out of the house.

Back to NiNi Pov:

Exo rushed in my room to hug me one by one. They kissed me on my cheek and took me to the bathroom to wash up. Chanyeol Appa decides to shower with me. I was naked in the shower while he head his swimming pants on. Appa washed my hair and body. We started to play with the water for 10 minutes and Suho Appa went in and gave me my princess dress and underwear. Chanyeol helped me put on my clothes. And tucked me to bed with my chocolate milk bottle. I gave him a kiss. And then off to dreamland.

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