Request Rules I Guess

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There are things I will accept and do and things that I won't...

The things I won't are:
•Mpregs (they weird me out in this fandom, never even thought that would exist until I came across one a little while ago-)
•**Long and lengthy story plots that make the story into an entire novel-** (I can't keep up with even writing my Reverse AU Reed900, still writing chapter two as I'm writing this-)
•***Sad shit*** (even though most of what I think up is sad as blueballs so you'll know which is mine and which is a request-)
•Just straight up anything that would be offensive or hurtful to others
•No x Readers (I'm not that good at them nor do I like writing them anyway...)

Things I will accept are:
•***Happy shit*** (cause we all like that-)
•short and sweet but not too sweet it makes some people vomit (some people don't like lovey dovey things I've come to acknowledge-)
•WHOLE LOTTA GAY (cause isn't that what this book is? I mean yeah we can have some straight fluff but the gay is where I'm at...most of the time)
•Happy thoughts! (That counts in the comments too people! No bringing down the others, it's only going to make you feel worse about yourself, trust me)
•Song inspired stories (I mean...that's mostly my shit)
•Just Happy! Anything that you KNOW is not going to hurt anyone's feelings or just harm them in general-

Weird asterisk meanings:
**if it becomes two parts or at least 80,000 words then I'll think about it-**

***if the sad shit ends up being happy shit in the end I'll reconsider, just tell me before hand***

And just tell me how you want the story to go, I hate having to guess to please...
Any au is acceptable too!
And tell me if you want a shoutout for requesting...! I won't mind if you don't want to be!

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