His Loyal Servant [Brothers (Gavin & Elijah) AU]

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A/N: Heyo, I've been listening to a song nonstop and there's so many different versions of it that I decided to just go with the one that sounded the sweetest... and with the song just put in 'king' instead of 'queen' cause literally this song is the best, and this isn't a oneshot, well, it probably is but not a lovey dovey one, more like a brother kind of thing-
AU: Brothers AU and human (Gavin Reed and Elijah Kamski are brothers, twins, but the story will explain why they don't have the same last name- and with the human one you'll seen why-)
Warnings: Um...I don't think there really is any...unless you count death...lots of death...
Song: Servant of Evil by Mothy cover by Lizz Robinett
Art: lusciouswhiteflame on instagram and tumblr and probably Twitter- I can't remember all of their socials where y'all can find them
Words: 3464


The bells tolled loudly as the country rang out with glee, their king and queen had been blessed with twins.

Two precious boys.

Their only miracles.


The land's Queen was told that she was unable to have children, making the king upset. She stayed hopeful and prayed to a god that she didn't really believe in that her husband would do the same. He married her out of love, and he didn't want to lose her. So, he promised her that he would stay hopeful as well.

A year later the kingdom had received news from their king and queen that they were finally expecting an heir. The queen was halfway there for them to know for certain. The kingdom was overjoyed with the news, cheering and hugging each other.

Little did they know about the surprise about to await them.


When the time had come for what everyone had awaited for, the king was pacing around the corridor while the queen's screams filled the halls. The king winced at every single one as her midwife helped her along, the blood curdling screams filling the halls and the entire land. They sounded as if they'd kill her if she continued.

Once the screams had stopped for good, the King's heart dropped to his feet. Thinking he had lost the woman he loved, he hurried to the bedroom. He went to open the door, only to be caught by the midwife who was leaving to collect him.

"Oh, I was just leaving to get you. She has delivered successfully and it's quite the miracle.." she said with a smile before leading him into the room.

What he saw brought tears to his stormy colored eyes. He saw his wife, his one true love, holding not one, but two small bundles in her arms. She looked up at him weakly.

"Hello, my love..." she said to him with a small smile, tired from everything she had to go through.

"How are you...?" He asked her, hurrying to her side and giving her a quick peck on her forehead.

"I'm tired...but I'll be alright..." she said to him as she looked down at the two small wrigglers. She laughed softly when she saw their fingers slightly intertwined within each other. "They'll love each other til the end of time...I know it..." she said before laying her head back onto the pillow. Her eyes grew heavy as she looked up at her husband. "Can you go lay them down...? Have Cynthia help you..." she said softly when she passed the eldest to him.

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