Chapter 2 - Explanations

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Every Revenge

CHAPTER 2 - Explanations

(Average Length Chapter)

[Darling's Perspective]

Andrea: Why?

Darling: Well, first of all bullies and second of a---

Andrea: Look, a bench!

Darling: Don't interrupt me, Rea.

Andrea: Can we sit pleaseee?

Darling: Fine.

So, we sat down on the bench and I explained why everything went wrong in high school. But suddenly,

Darling: So, I said "oh flip!"

Andrea: HAHAHAHA!!!

???: Can I sit with you both?

Darling: Umm.. I'm not trying to be rude but I don't know who you are.

Andrea: Yeah, My friend is right. What if you're a bully or something?

???: I promise I'm not some evil mastermind. I'm just really tired of walking.

Darling: Introduce yourself first.

???: My name is Diana L-Walker. I am 18 years old. I'm new. I have 3 siblings.

Darling: Okay, fine. You can sit.

Diana: Thank you! So, are you best friends?

Andrea: Yes, since kindergarten.

Diana: Wow, I've never been friends with someone THAT long. *giggles*

Andrea and Darling: *chuckles*

Diana: So, I introduced myself. What about you guys?

Darling: My name is Darling Blackwell. I am 16. I have 1 sibling. I'm new too. And my real mom died when I was 5.

Andrea: And my name is Andrea Newman. Darling calls me Rea. Cause And-Rea! I'm 18.
I have 5 siblings. I'm also new. And my cousins hate me.

Diana: Well, I broke my leg when I was 5.

Andrea: So that's why you have a giant bandage on your foot


Darling: AH! *Covers ears* I HATE THAT NOISE!!!

Andrea and Diana: Hahahaha!

So, we went to class and I was taking a lot of notes while Andrea was listening to music and Diana was listening to music on low volume and taking music.

The Nerd (me) The Cool One (Andrea) And The New Friend (Diana)

We walked around the hallway as the popular girls do. And...

Speaker: Good morning everyone! There are too little students on Shine Academy. And too much on our school. So we thought some of you are gonna transfer to the school! Whoever's name I will bring up please come to the principal's office.

Darling: (To Andrea and Diana) Oh god no...

Speaker: Diana L-Walker.

Diana: NUUUUUU!!!!!

Speaker: Nico Saldex

Speaker: Luna Don.

Speaker: Star Darling.


Speaker: Lovely Nona-lulu

Speaker: Tyler Cindering

Speaker: Andrew Shun

Speaker: Lala Carol

Speaker: Vincent Guzman

Speaker: Justin Bol

Speaker: Anthony Uefa 

Speaker: Ali Marie

Speaker: James Luke

Speaker: Lucas Kim

Speaker: Carlo Simmer

Speaker: Noah Silver 

Speaker: Shawn Lua

Speaker: Last but definitely not least...

Speaker: Darling Blackwell!!


?????: Who cares people?

Diana and Darling: Um....

Darling: (To Andrea) You have been quiet this whole time...

Andrea: Huh? What no! I'm just really sad I don't get to be with you for 5 ENTIRE years...

Darling: *Hugs Andrea Very Tightly* Bye! *Runs to principal office with Diana*

2 minutes later...

Darling: Okay, principal Lulu. We are here!

Diana: *Whispers to Darling* And it seems there are a lot more people transferring than we thought!

Darling: Um.. Yea!

Principal: Okay, students. Tomorrow your bus will be at Rosemary St. at 6:30.

?????: Yeah, sure.

?: Hm? Oh okay...

All: *nod*


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