Addressed with Love

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I've decided we don't need tags anymore. Because a few days back I read something profound. It said definitions are limiting. And that's true. So no more limiting definitions. Instead each letter will be addressed to you with boundless emotions attached.

All positive.

Love. Kindness. Faith. Hope. Care. Affection.

The list can go on and on and on. If I cannot find more new positive traits then I'll keep repeating old ones. Because you're not allowed to go down negative routes of thinking. And I'm going to try my best to do that.

It is almost as crazy as creating an alter ego for myself, all these letters I'm writing you. It could very well be a recipe for disaster, MPD and all. Or it could help. As it has been doing, over the course of the years. I've been writing to you for several years now. And I wish I'd written more letters so that at this point when you feel like you could use some real help, you had more than six letters to read.

Love, my dearest, is one of the most beautiful attributes of your Creator. He is Al Wadūd. It is one of His beautiful names that I really really hold close to my heart. Not just because it clearly shows us that He is the source of all love.


It tells you that because He is Love, Al Wadūd, everything that He has written for you in your life is out of that beautiful love. Boundless, never ending, ever present love. It tells you that every scrape, every bruise, every wound was given by Him to you out of love and will also be healed by Him out of love. And unlike people who inflict pain that can perhaps never be healed, He never places burdens upon you that you cannot bear. Perhaps they may strain your muscles for a bit, but then you build up strength.

And He gives the toughest battles to His most beloved slaves. 

We are slaves and yet we've been given freedom. And that my dear, is love. The best kind.

His attribute of love teaches you to love everyone. Yourself included. To love all of His creation. And most importantly to seek love only from Him. Because it is His love that benefits you. You'd be at loss even if all of humanity loved you and He didn't.

So, dearest, do not lose hope. Or faith.

You're basking in the love of Allah.

Isn't that a beautiful blessing?

This Love of His makes your whole life beautiful.

And just like Allah is always loving you regardless of how you return that love, so you too should love all the people in your life. Regardless of how they've been returning it. For Allah's sake. It'll be a rewarding, fulfilling experience. And worth it when the time comes for you to be judged.

Just as it is said that the hand that gives is always in a higher position than the one that receives... So the heart that gives could never possibly be empty.

So let go. Let go. Let go.

And open your heart to His love.

With all of mine,

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu 💕

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