chapter eighteenth (final)

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Y/n's POV

Ok i told every one what to do and where to go.(skipping that part when she told them the plan)
Everyones on place...and klisa...was in the classroom alone... standing there...shit...she must have known the plan...but who the fuck would say it?
I walked in the classroom while smirking.

"Oh!the slut is here. What do you want?"she said while grinning.
"I want you down"i said serious.
"Hah!you? Want me down? Dont make me laugh"-klisa
" not making you laugh...I WANT TO SCREAM IN AGONY"-you
"Cant do that sugar~"-klisa
"Oh yeah? Watch us"-you
"NOW"i yelled then they started to tackle her down. She cant escape anymore nor attack.
"LET ME GO"she yelled
"Cant go running away like pussy bitch"i said while putting the charm out pointing it at her.
"Go back to your trashenia world"i said then the charm suddenly sucked her in.
Well that was ez.
"Now you wont come back..."i slam the charm to the floor shattering it into pieces.
"Good bye"i said while spit on it.
Then i felt a warm embrace.
Knowing it was my bald boyfriend.
"Now we can be piece"baldi said
"Haha...well yeah i-"he cutted me off by saying...;
"LET'S US NOW LEARN MATH"he screamed while we all groan in annoyance.
Well who the fuck made math popilar anyways?!.
But meh its fine atleast we could sleep through the lessons haha!!

'The End'

A/n:or is it? Haha yeah im done with this one.

fighting for love:ReaderxBaldi [FF] *BBIEL*Where stories live. Discover now