Never felt this way

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(Special POV) Gideon's POV

"Giddy!!" I paniced okay! I didnt know what happen. Of course i know what happened! It was fast, it was unexpected! I wasnt even thinking i dont even know why i did that! But the feel of it. His lips against mine.. ARGHHH

"CHARLES!" i stopped and looked behind me to see who called me.

"Robin?" I looked at the black haired boy who was tryint to catch his breath. He looks up to me

"Yeah.. hey" he stood up and walk over to me. I gave him a smile. And looked back at him

"Hey.. whatcah doing here?" I asked as we look at each other. I was eyeing robin carefully as i notice some things about him "you changed your hair!" I excitedly said as i notice his hair was pulled back showing off his pale grey eyes

"Um.. yeah i did. Does it look bad?" Robin asked as he rubs the back of his neck. I smiled and nod my head

"It does.. and i never realized you have grey eyes before" i commented as he blinks and blush

"Oh yeah... thanks" i smiled and repeated my question earlier about why was he here

"Well.. guess who decided to finally go to his classes? This guy" he pointed to his self and made a corky smile as i giggle.

"Umm.. looks like it" i laughed as robin looked at me

"Why are you here? Dont you have any other classes?" Robin asked

"I do but.. i dont feel like going to any" robin looked surprise to what i have said as his eyes widen like saucers

"Am i still talking to the same gideon charles pines?" Robin said jokingly as i laughed. We both laugh and decided to hang out since it was robin's free period


(Special POV) Dipper's POV

I was already back in class after PE and guess what! My mind was stupid and KEPT BRING BACK MY MEMORY ABOUT THAT SIX PACKED PORK BELLY! Sure he's hot and fit now but- what the hell even am i saying! I dont even know why i even kissed the guy in the first place! I dont even feel that way.. i never felt that way.

I was annoyed and confused and what makes things even worse was the fact my sister was in the class as me. And i just hate the fact she's busy flirting and still manages to tease me, and by teasing i mean mentally TORTURING ME. I kept glaring until our teacher came in, making mabel walk her way back to her seat which was next to me, REALLY?! Hays. The gawd damn techer i dont really care about took the attendance as i sigh in annoyance for anything else






"Gift!!" The students laugh, giggle, chuckle what ever they did as i cringe. That wasnt even funny at any means..

"Pines.." i was shaken from my thoughts as i heard his name. I saw mabel shocked by my sudden movement. Holding her chest as if she was having a heart attack while giving me a teasing look

"Pines? Pines? Is gideon not present?" Our teacher asked as he skipped gideon's name and moved on to the attendance.

I felted messed up. I felt uneasy. Gideon was in this class? But i havent seen him here before.. or even heard his name either.

"Its been the 3rd day that pines has been absent" i heard the teacher mummer loudly even if it was almost a wispher, i have good hearing sense

I was worried even if i didnt have too. All i knew i was worried. And i know SOMEONE was fun of my feelings. Cause then again i felt the fluffy feeling my sister was making. I looked to the rightside of my eyes only just to regret it

The More You HATE, The More You DIE (2.0) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now