Easy for you to say

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Gideon woke up to the sound of his alarm as he tried to stop it. He walks his way done to the kitchen. Hearing loud noises as he enters, they noise stop. As he was fully aware what was happening he rubs his eyes and jumps in shock seeing his cousin and with her friends also thompson and his friends staring at him.

"Aahhh!!" Gideon scream as he took the nears thing he could cover his self a cheese cloth. Gideon blushed as pacifica sighed

"Come on! Never saw a guy wear a no sleve shirt before?!" Pacifica asked sarcasticly and annoyed that her meal was now ruined by gideon

"Well hot damn! I never thought gid had some meat!" Lee complimented as the others started complimenting him as well.

Gideon's mom appeared and chuckle as she called her son to come and eat with his cousin. Gideon nods and sat next to thompson which wa the only seat left. Great! Just great! Gideon thoughy as he came closer

"So.. whats the occassion!" Gideon asked noticing all the food in fornt of him and the people around him. He rose a brow and looked at his cousin who just shurge her sholders

"Your hot body!!" One of pacifca's friends said as they all laugh and gideon blushed in embarrasement

"Oh stop that! Cant a mother cook for her son's friends?" Gideon's mom said in her britsh accent

"Ahh.. you have such a nice voice, mrs. P and great food!" Nate complimated as he contiued eating his food.

Gideon shook his head and ate as well. While eating he could sense a pair of eyes staring at him. He looked to his left, seeing thompson staring at him. He looked around seeing everyone including his mom, were all busy with something

"Something wrong, thom?" Gideon asked not noticing he spoke to thompson on his britsh accent

Thompson's eyes widen as he blushed. He mentions it to gideon making him feel embarrased as he covers his mouth. Thompson held his hand that was covering his mouth and removed it

"Hey.. its fine. I do like it when you talk like that.." both boys start blushing but was cut short when they heard loud clicks. As they turned to see pacifica taking there photos.

Gideon was supposed to argue but his mom told them to go to school or theyre gonna be late


The twins were in there car driving there way to the school. Mable was busy flirting with someone on her phone acting unaffected while dipper sat there mad so affected

I cant believe she could act so normal about this! We learned from our own and the next thing we know im being driven to the most shittest school my STUPID GRUNKLES could ever find since something just came up! Dipper thought as he crossed his arms.

There drive told them they were near. Mable hid her phone and stared at the door seeing both hot boys and girls, she is pan, and dipper just glaring. As they stop in front of the school everyone was surrounding them. The twins were having different reactions to this. Mable, the extrovert, being excited and happy for the attetion she was getting while dipper, the introvert, was not pleased

As they stepped out, everyone was squealing and screaming. Some girls were screaming for dippers attention, some were studd by mable's beauty. As they walked in they instantly sperated. Mable taking the crowd as dipper grinned to his self as no one notice him. As he jogged his way to the office he bumpped onto someone

"Hey! Watch where youre-" dipper was cut as he saw who he bump to. He looked in front of him a white haired boy, rubbing his head. As the boy looked up they both gasped

"Pork belly?!"

"Star face?!"

They both said in union but dipper was surprised to the sudden nickname start face?! That has got to be the dumbest nickname ever dipper thought but was cut when he remember the white pork belly

"What are you doing here?!" Dipper asked as he looked at gideon. Standing up and not helping him

"What am I doing here? I go here! What are YOU doing here?" Gideon said sarcasticly as he pulled his self up

"Of course you go here.." dipper wisphered as he rolled his eyes

"Of what?" Gideon asked as he looked at dipper

"Nothing-" dipper was cut by the principal that both notice them. He walked to the two boys and smiled

"Ah! Gleeful.. pines! Know each other?" The principal asked as he both look at them smiling

"Unfortinately.." gideon said annoyed as he glared at the brunete

"Great! I was supposed to find someone to help dipper here.. but since you know him.. pines would you be a darling and show him around" the principal said making both boys cringe darling?! Both boys thought.

Gideon looked at dipper and sighed. He had no choice. Next thing he needed was to get kicked out. He wasnt that rich and knowing that he was a scholar, he had to do his duties. Gideon agree and looked at the brunete next to him this is gonna be a loong day he thought


Pacifica was walking down the hall, texting her cousin who just found out about the gleeful twins

Pacifica: well at least ya got some hot guy!

Gideon: pacifica! This isnt funny!

Pacifica: whats there to worry.. I FELL GREAT!

Gideon: easy for you to say! Ya didnt have to deal with a gleeful

"Or do you?" Pacifica almost dropped her phone. She was surprise to who ever spoke out of the blue. She turned and saw

"Mable!?" Pacifica said in panic as her heart beat raised. Believe it or not pacifica isnt gay but she always found mable hot at some point

"Thats my name!" Mable said happily as she smiled seductively at pacifica, knowing how frusrated she is now just by her presence

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Pacifica asked not making any eye contact. Mable lean closer and rose pacifica's chin so she was looking at mable's stunning pale blue eyes

"I go here.." mable said slowing leaning forward. The bell then rang making pacifica push mable awat from her.

"Well thats the bell and i gotta get to class!!" Pacifica said faster then her normal speed in talking. She ran  away from mable. Pacifica's face was now red.

Mable smiled to her self as she watched pacifica all red and frustrated. She turns around and finds her way to the office.

Mable was still smiling even when she was with a hot guy who was showing her around  elise youre diffinately a wild girl pacifica thought as she smiles all the way

The More You HATE, The More You DIE (2.0) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now