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Since I do gymnastics and dance, I feel a lot of pain in my feet, shins, knees, and hips.

The other day I could barely walk because my knees were so sore. I often get pain from my knees. They're the parts that hurt the most.

My hips hurt from endless attempts at turning them out for dance. It makes them pop out of place sometimes. It bothers me. It doesn't really hurt, but it does feel weird.

My feet hurt from dance and gymnastics combined. They hurt from constantly tripping and rolling them at gymnastics, and from endless hours of dancing in pointe shoes.

Pointe shoes ruin my toes. I put them on a couple days ago, and my pinkie toenail partly came off.

I've had a lot of pain. I know people go through just as much, or more, pain as well. I also know that a lot of people give up because of pain. I want to tell you to not give up because of pain. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because of pain in my legs, but I still get up and get through the day. If I can do it, so can you.don't let the pain take over your life, because if you stop doing what you love because of it, then you might regret it. When it all comes down to choosing defeat, or fighting through it, that's your decision.

There is someone that I admire a lot in my life. My dance teacher. Last summer she had to have surgery on her knee. Her knee had been bothering her for a while, and it still does to this day sometimes. She still goes to the studio everyday, and choreographs dances that are extraordinary. She didn't let the pain stop her from doing what she loved, that is why I admire her. She gives me courage to not give up. That is why I can't quit gymnastics or dance, because I started them when I was really young, and I want to do both of them for as long as I can get up in the morning, train in the gym, or put on dance shoes. That is why I still get up everyday, because I know that I can get through it and do the same the next day. Don't give up, so many people believe in you. I believe in you. Pain is just a small thing in your life, don't stop living because of it.

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