The Carnival

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        At the midnight carnival, a cool breeze goes by the chained children, which causes more dying leaves to fall down to the gray rocky ground.                  
       The chains clink against each other as the children walk solemnly towards the black sooted booths, falling apart, which are filled with spoiled carnival food.
    One of sailors calls out, "Oi, mates. This is a big one."
    Another agrees by nodding and said, " That's a big one alright. We ain't seen this large of a load since ages ago."
    "Yeah, we mustn't take long before that grouchy, old blind hunchback gives us no salary. Twenty-five cents per kid. Now I say that ain't a lot of money. I bet he can't even count how much he's giving us. If I say, he would give us less if he could see," the old sailor chuckles at  the overused joke.
    The other man chuckles and replies with, "I gotta' see one of those children riding up to the mines on the black ferris wheel. I haven't seen one since that li'l Jimmy kid fell into the pit."
    "Yeah," the sailor pauses. "We betta' hurry up now it's almost one," he breathed out in a long sigh. Since the blind hunchback will not let the old men see their beloved loved ones, the melancholy, exhausted men stay at the wretched carnival.
    They continued on with the children in front, connected together by chains jingling loudly, but suddenly, a machine hummed in a loud, obnoxious sound that terrified the starved children half to death. All of them jumped with their chains, causing more sound than ever; the connected chains hoping to break from their connection any second to just get a sliver of freedom.
    From the impact of all the children falling on top of each other, causing a chain reaction of children falling, a chain snaps from a small, starved boy. After the chain broke, his thin legs came in, shaking constantly, and he fell to his knees, shivering. His face stares off into the distances, waiting for death and not comprehending that fact that he could be free; free from his worries; free from the treacherous carnival and its child labor created by the blind hunchback man. With a slight shake of the head and blink, realization came to him, and he ran - with a limp.
    "Oi! Look at that li'l orphan boy run!" the old men exclaim, letting the boy run, with softened looks of sympathy.
    One of them suggested, "Just don't tell the boss," and they all nodded in agreement. The children all looked at the limping boy run with envious, yet sympathetic, glares, sending him prayers of hope.
    They continued going to the black ferris wheel and saw a cloaked hunchback. He waved to the children to follow him to their labor. Half of the children did not move, so their captures pushed them and exclaimed,         "'Otta' move. Move you little rascals. Move!" The children then did move with quicken paces and limps.
Continuously walking towards the black ferris wheel, the group of children and cloaked man walked by a merry-go-round. Its animals are rusted and chipping paint; its merry mood now gone forever.
       They approached the ominous black ferris wheel. It is covered in blackened mud, balanced just enough to keep it stable for 200 children and ten adults; its blackened iron starts to rust in a few places. The blind hunchback caresses his wrinkled hand against the iron, as if remembering a happy memory, and smiles gleefully.
     One by one, he started to put the children on the ferris wheel, four to a cart, cramped. He goes to the rusted, old control panel, but before he could do anything he heard a siren and,     "Freeze!" from a certain group of people.
      The hunchback turns around slowly and carefully, seeing a policeman and a scrawny boy grasping the man's hand.
Slowly he froze and moved his hands above his head.
     The policeman said, "Slowly step away from the children, towards me, and if you do this, there will be no harm to you."
     He listened, stepping forward to the policeman, away from the children, but suddenly, he snapped his fingers. In a quick reaction a crowd gathered around them, consisting of sailors and servants of the hunchback. They crowded around the stare-down until the hunchback's voice whispered in a soft welcoming voice, "Welcome to our little carnival called the Black Ferris Wheel, which is known for its midnight terrors and child labor," he smiles with his head tilted a little, just enough for the policeman to see his red eyes tinted with black under the cloak.
      All of the people then attacked the officer. Suddenly, the carnival and the people within it disappeared to reveal a flat area of dirt.
I am done once again!
If any of you were expecting me to write 24/7 or every week, I'm sorry. I've just been busy with schoolwork and reading. Heheh, sorry, once again.
By the way, I have looked back to my other short-stories and noticed errors. After I do finish this, I will edit it fully.

Well, for any of you who still want to read this, stay indecisive!

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