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I wake up surrounded by severed human limbs. I scream.

After taking a few minutes to grasp onto my hideous surroundings, I promptly roll over and vomit. All in my hair. Greeeeat. My eyes immediately land on something shiny. There's a bloodied chainsaw less than two feet from my hand. And I'm perfectly unharmed, laying in a pile of minced human. That's not suspicious. I try to remember something-anything-that happened since I left the house the last thing I remember is kissing Memphis goodbye as I got into the car. I was going to go visit my aunt, and he had to stay behind for work. And now I'm laying in a suspicious pile of scraps. A pile of scraps that I may have created. I look up to see the disembodied head of a middle aged blond female, and then it all goes black.

When I wake up I'm shaking so I can hardly stand. My palms are sweaty and my thoughts are racing. But I know I have to get out. It would NOT be a fun time to have the cops catch me in my unplanned meat bath. After I've run about a block, I realize that I am completely covered in blood. Craaaaap. Suddenly I hear sirens in the distance, panicking, I jump behind a dumpster and thank whoever is up there that I'm in an alley. I try to think. As tears roll down my face, I realize that I have no clue what to do. I'm lost, and alone, and I'm probably a mass murderer. My head is spinning and I just want to go home. The only thing I can think of is to call Memphis. I grab my slightly bloodied phone out of my very bloodied jeans and call him. He picks up almost immediately.

"ABERDEEN!!! Baby, where have you been? I called your aunt and she says you aren't there. Where are you? You've been missing for almost a week! I was worried sick. Tell me where you are."

He sounds panicked and shaky. At the sound of his voice, I start sobbing.

"I don't know where I am" I say between sobs "but I'm scared and I miss you and I want to go home"

"Baby, oh, baby, calm down. I'll come up and get you as soon as possible. I'll take the day off work. Just figure out where you are. Find some city limits, or maybe a post office?"

I see a post office just down the street. Now all I need is some clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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