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Now that it's official, I am so beyond thrilled to be walking in the 2018 Victoria Secret Fashion Show in New York this year. So blessed for this opportunity. See you on December 2nd!
#finallyanangel #vsfs2018
Tagged: VictoriaSectret

Username: is this what she's wearing? Cause I'm all for it
Username: it's not fair that the whole family is stunning
Username: unpopular opinion but does anyone else think she used her brother's fame to become relevant?
Username: username gtfo
C.evans: I'm fighting urge to cover you up... big brother problems 🤷🏼‍♀️
Username: the support from Chris gives me life
Scotteavansgram: don't listen to him Char. You got it, flaunt it.
Username: i take that back. The support from both brothers gives me life....
OfficialAshleyCornelli: that's my best friend! 🤤🤤
Username: stunning
Username: looks like I'll watch the show this year!
Username: i Stan 1 incredible family
Username: looks like I know where all my money will go next month....

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