Chapter 4

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Thoughts of finding a pack, or at least a human town, crossed Lisa's mind a couple of days after Kasey told her about her past and what she is. The loneliness of having no one, other than her wolf, was becoming more maddening. Lisa needed to eat actual food and shift soon, or she would go mad like, most rogues do.

Gathering up as much courage as she could, Lisa ran in the direction of the nearby pack border. Miles of green and drown trees passed by Lisa before she got to the border. The scent of another wolf lingered in the air, but it seemed to have moved on some time ago. Inhaling a deep breath, Lisa stepped over the pack line.

A slight change in the air indicated that the alpha of the pack knew of Lisa's intrusion. Releasing the breath she was holding Lisa moved deeper into the territory. About a mile, there was no sign of any wolf anywhere, which spiked Lisa's fear, along with her senses.

Unwilling to chance being pounced on, Lisa stopped and listened to what was around her. The pack wolves were a little distance away from her and seemed to be in a going about a usual day. But the sound of little sticks cracking, signaling someone's approach. Just before the wolf could pounce, Lisa moved to one side and around to see this wolf.

The wolf jumped out of a bush behind Lisa as she moved, and was now standing in front of her. This gray wolf was bigger than her hybrid wolf and was bearing it's gleaming white teeth. There was no way this wolf was an alpha, an alpha was bigger and radiated more power.

From what Lisa could judge, from the power he was giving off, this wolf was a beta. Growling, he stepped toward Lisa. Lisa trying not to get killed whimpered, and bowed her head in a sign of respect. Still the male growled, and Lisa got the hint, she was not welcomed. Whining, Lisa slowly stood and backed away from the wolf.

Her actions brought on the male's temper, and he moved toward her. With her moving away not working, Lisa stood and ran as fast as she could. Thus caused Kasey to rise up and complain, saying they could take him on. She maybe got a mile before running into a rich scent, freshly fallen rain and cut grass, and ran into another wolf.

He growled and went after her as well. As she ran, Lisa unknowingly cornered herself between a house and an eight-foot fences on both sides of her.

Harsh growls signaled that the males were directly behind her. Unable to continue forward, Lisa turned to them slowly. The two males were crouched in a defensive position. With no place to run, Lisa let Kasey push through and get things settled with the males.


The energy from the males grew stronger and made not giving up on going to the alpha hard. Making the push Kasey lunged at the weaker of the two males to get away from them.

One fell to the ground, not expecting her to attack or even try to get by them. Taking this opportunity, Kasey bit down on one of the male's paws, to slow him if he pursued her. Letting him go quickly after, Kasey ran. The other males followed behind.

To distracted by the sent of what could be their mate, Kasey let too much of her focus go. This gave the males the opportunity they needed.

Jumping, the beta male tackled her and wrestled her to the ground. On the way down to the ground in the struggle, Kasey hit her front paw on the ground hard and at the right angle to snap the bone. Holing with pain, Kasey fell to the ground with the male not far behind her.

The male growled and gripped the nape of her neck in his muzzle to keep her still, but he bit hard enough to draw blood. The pain from her paw and the blood loss made Kasey's sight blur. The world was almost black when a man with blonde hair and bark pants stepped toward them and the scent Kasey smelt earlier, was stronger than ever.

But overwhelmed by pain, Kasey's world quickly faded into black silence.


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