Soft & Rough Hogwarts Houses

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Soft Gryffindor: scarves, for fun all-nighters, camping in the Forbidden Forest at the start of term, autumn bonfires, chugging pumpkin juice at breakfast on a dare

Rough Gryffindor: energy drinks, testing experimental floating spells off the top of the astronomy tower, turning the Slytherin common room red and gold

Soft Ravenclaw: excellent time management skills, diligent worker, smarter than you but nice about it, friendly debates, handful of easily managed electives

Rough Ravenclaw: a hot mess, so much coffee, rarely seen at meals, sleeps in the library, too many electives to keep track, says yes to everyone, always reading a mystery novel

Soft Hufflepuff: tea, florals everywhere, loves bread, great listener, inter-house sleepovers, picnics, buys everyone candy at Honeydukes, blankets for days, YA hoe

Rough Hufflepuff: always ready to fight esp. to defend a friend, chubby bunny contests at dinner, vegan but chill about it, always argues with people about how amazing bees and moths are

Soft Slytherin: conversations with the Black Lake mermaids, secretly a writer club, high fantasy novels, friends with the wood sprites, late mornings

Rough Slytherin: ingesting straight caffeine tablets, secret group meetings, kind of judgemental, parties at midnight with loud music but it's good music so no one minds, swearing and insulting you but somehow admitting they like you in the same breath

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