Date Aesthetics

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Gryffindor: the whole date would be a trip, the destination a secret, you'd leave before noon, drive for a few hours and then grab a bite to eat at one of these really run down but somehow charming diners on the side of the road, you'd listen to music and sing along to every song you know, windows rolled down, wind playing in your hair, arms stretched out so you could feel the air between your fingers, you'd take pictures of the beach in the distance of the landscape, of each other and you'd talk about anything and everything under the sun, changing from deep conversations to light hearted banter, in the afternoon you'd arrive at a carnival and it would be so unexpected but so fitting, together you'd play most of the games, win each other little presents and try all the rides together, screaming your lungs out on the rollercoaster, at the end of the day you'd walk hand in hand to the ferris wheel, still laughing and breathless from the last ride, you'd end up driving home in the middle of the night, just the two of you, the road ahead and the stars above

Ravenclaw: a day long date out and about in the woods together, you pack food and bottles of water, etc., in bagpacks and each of you brings their favourite book, you hike into the forest and follow the path through the mountains, talking about your lives and people you have looked up to, authors that influenced you, make jokes about your favourite characters and talk about your hopes and dreams all the while walking next to each other, arms brushing from time to time, exchanging smiles, when you reach the lookout point you spread out a blanket and lie down on it, staring into the blue sky and trying to see forms and patterns in the few clouds that drift by, you have a small picnic and end up reading your favourite parts from the books you brought along, you read them to each other, both listening closely to the other and before you'd know it hours would have passed just talking and laughing and getting to know each other and you just might hold hands on the hike back, laughing at the other person when they'd trip and just feeling so relaxed and carefree

Slytherin: a date in the heart of the city when it is already dark, they'd take you to a fancy restaurant, making sure to fulfill your every wish, you'd be sitting near the windows so you could watch the city lights and the people pass by, you'd talk about your interests and where you want to go with your life, what your ambitions are and what you think is most important in life, it would be pretty personal but not uncomfortable and after the dinner you'd just go out into the city and get lost in the vast and various streets, talking and laughing about everything you could think of, you'd end up in several bars and pubs and maybe even clubs, you'd just go wherever you felt like going in this moment and you'd just feel more free than you ever did with anyone else and the night would end in this magical sort of way, with the two of you standing on the rooftop of a skyscraper, drink in hand, close to each other and listening to the city fall silent and watching the sun rise in the distance

Hufflepuff: an early morning date in a small town where they serve the best breakfast, you'd meet up at 10 am and probably drag it out into a brunch, telling stories of moments long gone and sharing memories to get to know each other better, you'd laugh a lot and both of you would feel so at ease around the other, they would be warm and welcoming and they'd give you the feeling of really listening to you, after the brunch you'd just stroll through the town together and find a park, sit down underneath a huge tree and watch the sun filter through the leaves, watch it glitter and break on the surface on the small lake and talk about the future and about what makes you happy, the date would end with them walking you to your home and sitting with you on your steps in front of the door and watching the colours change in the sky until it almost set, they'd wait for you to get inside safely and the last thing you see would be them smiling kindly and warmly at you

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