Stars- Peter Parker x reader

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It was Friday night, which meant date night with Peter. Usually the two of you went to his apartment and watched a movie and had dinner, but you decided in your astrophysics class today that you didn't want to do that. You wanted to look at the stars since it was a clear night. When you got home, the first thing you did was call Peter, however you were not surprised when he didn't answer, probably because he was swinging around the city. He called back a few minutes later, a hint of worry in his voice. "Y/N? You alright, love?" He asked you right away. "Yeah, yeah Peter I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you about our date tonight." You responded. "Oh?" He said, clearly confused. "Can we star gaze tonight? The stars are so pretty and-" "Of course we can, Y/N! Meet me at my apartment at the usual time?" He giggled. "Yeah. Yeah thanks Peter. Be safe." You told him, getting an "I always am." from him.

7 O'clock rolled around and you knocked on the door to Peter's apartment, prepared to offer for him to come over to yours since the new date was your idea. "You are aware you don't have to knock, right sweetheart?" Peter greeted, pulling you into a hug and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "It's called being polite, Parker." You joked, kissing his cheek. "I have a surprise for you." He told you, giggling at the confused look you gave him. "Follow me." He said, taking your hand. Once you got to the staircase to the roof, he covered your eyes. "Peter, how am I supposed to see?" You asked, smiling. "I'll guide you!" He responded eagerly. "Peter we're on stairs, it'll take forever!" You laughed, making Peter smile even more. You yelped when he picked you up bridal style and started carrying you up the stairs. "I trust you'll keep your eyes shut for the surprise, my love." He said glancing down to make sure. The cool breeze hit your skin, alerting you that you made it to the roof. "Don't open your eyes yet, Y/N." Peter told you, making you cuddle into his shoulder. Peter set you down on something soft, softly telling you to open your eyes while he sat down next to you.

No words could describe the scene in front of you. There was chocolate covered strawberries, sodas, waters, blankets, and cookies all set up with a perfect view of the night sky. "Peter..this is beautiful." you whispered, making him smile. "C'mere." He said, opening his arms and bringing you close. The two of you enjoyed the food and drinks, your eyes staring at the sky. "Look, there's the big dipper." You pointed out. Peter hummed, his eyes following your hand. "Did you know stars are made up almost entirely of hydrogen?" You asked, still admiring the sky. "Really?" Peter asked, making you nod on his chest. "90% hydrogen and 10% helium. The rest is tiny traces of other material. Nebulae are massive clouds of dust, hydrogen, and helium." You replied. "Is that where are stars are born?" He asked, pressing a gentle kiss to your head. "Mmm." You responded, your eyes trying to find the moon to figure what phase it was in. "How are nebulae formed?" Peter asked, trying to get you to keep talking about your passion. "Don't you know the answer to that?" You asked. "Please? I knew almost everything else you were talking about, what's different about this?" He begged. "Wait you knew everything? Why didn't you stop me?" You asked, sitting up, resting on one arm. "Answer my question first." He insisted. "The interstellar gas consists of partly neutral atoms and molecules as well as charged particles such as ions and electrons. A nebula is formed when portions of the interstellar medium undergo a gravitational collapse. Gravitational attraction attracts matter together, causing regions of greater and greater density to form. They can be hundreds of light years in diameter." You mumbled, clear enough for him to understand you and look at you in awe.

Peter too your free hand in his, running his thumb over your knuckles. "I love hearing you talk about space. You're so passionate about it and I can tell it makes you happy to talk about it." He whispered, pulling you down into a kiss. "You still could have stopped me. I don't want to tell you stuff you already know." You mumbled into his chest. "Oh hush you. I wasn't gonna stop you. Now keep pointing out constellations to me." He said, making you roll your eyes. By the end of the night, you were both exhausted. You helped Peter carry everything back down to his apartment, letting him know you'd walk back to yours. "Oh no you don't. You're gonna stay here." He insisted. "But Peter-" "No buts. It's late and you're tired. Stay with me." He said. "Okay fine." you gave in, following him to his room. Like a gentleman, he turned around while you changed into his clothes. "I can sleep on the top bunk." You offered. "Nonsense." He said, patting the area next to him. You happily climbed in next to him, cuddling into his chest. "Thank you for tonight, Peter." You whispered, yawning. "Anytime, my love. Goodnight." He responded softly, kissing your head as you hummed. "Night night." You mumbled, falling into a deep sleep.

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