One Day Later- Tom Holland x reader

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a/n: this is TA!tom !! 

warnings: language, drinking/drunkenness (sort of), making out, nsfw but nothing too heavy/graphic, fluff, a teeny bit of angst 


"Good afternoon class and welcome to Sociological themes in Classic Literature. My name is Professor Jones." The entire class was zoned out, as most students are the first day of classes.

You were mindlessly tapping your pen against the top of your notebook page, your eyes flickering over the previously highlighted assignment due dates. If you were being totally honest, you didn't really want to take this class, you were just taking it to fill your English requirement. You figured it'd be easy since you were a sociology major already.

"..And before I let you all go today, I wanted to introduce your TA to you guys. His name is Tom, he'll send out an email with his office hours and how to contact him later." Professor Jones finished.

As soon as Tom stepped up to the podium, you could tell every girl was gonna be going to his office hours at some point. And could you blame them? No. Not exactly. He was cute. Like really really cute.

His short brown hair was gelled up and he had pretty brown eyes that resembled those of a puppy. Rectangular dark brown glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, giving him a look that screamed 'teaching assistant.'

"Hey guys, as Professor Jones said my name's Tom, I'll be the TA for this semester. I'll send you all an email later that will have this information in it so you don't have to worry about memorizing it right now but my office hours are Monday's from 12-4pm, Wednesday's from 3-5pm, and Thursdays from 1-3pm. If those don't work for you I'm happy to meet up with anyone outside of those times, just send me an email or a text." He smiled, grabbing his bag and leaving the room, waving on his way out.

"Perfect. You're all free to go. We'll start discussing Pride and Prejudice next class so make sure you have the first three chapters read." Professor Jones dismissed. The class filed out of the lecture hall, whispers of how cute TA Tom was filling your ears in both directions.

"He's so damn cute." One girl giggled to her friend.

"I hope he's single." Her friend sighed in response. "I'm so gonna text him with random questions just to talk to him either way."

You rolled your eyes. Sure, he was cute. But he was your TA. It would be unprofessional to try anything with him. Besides, he's got to have a girlfriend, right?

You got your answer a few weeks later. Classes were going steady, but midterm week was approaching and you needed to let loose and have some fun before you had to stress about Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, and the theories of social class.

The frat house was more alive than ever. Multi colored lights decorated the kitchen with music blaring throughout the entire house. Making your way to the kitchen, you grabbed your friend's hand to ensure you didn't lose them in the crowd. The last thing you needed was to lose your friend in a sea of drunk college guys.

Your friend settled on a beer while you settled on making a rum and coke to start. Next thing you knew, your friend was drunk and dancing with a couple guys, making you chuckle.

"Need another drink?" A voice called over the music. You turned, seeing a cute boy standing next to you. He seemed familiar but between the alcohol you already consumed and the madness of the party, you couldn't put your finger on where you knew him from.

"You're doing shots?" You yelled over the music, seeing him pour tequila into the small glasses. That was not what you thought when he offered to make you a drink.

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