chapter 4- the fun

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We wake up and get ready we put on our bathing suits and stuff like that we arrive at a amusement park we were happy and all. We go to the water part first we get on the slides okay so the slides. They are big and tall I was screaming and stuff like I had fun. We got bored of the water and went to where the rides are ( okay so my father does this thing where like you have to get on every ride like no matter what your getting on it) we go on this tower ride it like takes you in the air and drops you I don't like stuff like that. So I'm saying nope not getting on but end up getting on cause it did not seem that high but when I got to the top I was crying and screaming and stuff kesha saying " ANIYA it's your going to be okay" she laughing and I'm like it's not funny 😂😂😂😂😂.

        Few hours later

     We left the park and we were tired we stopped at a pizza place and the pizza was good no lie but we left on Sunday cause we had school and was not gonna miss it we had fun for real we went to all diffrent kinds of places throughout the time of me being there.
      But that is my story of my first time riding a rollercoaster and going to Tyrone delegrosoes amusement park hope you enjoy. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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