Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The feeling of stepping foot on Escarrali soil once was one Lyv couldn't even describe, especially after all that had changed in the year and a half that passed. And it wasn't even like they were in the capital city either, but rather on the shores of Inder far away from any sort of permanent civilization. It was where they'd landed after flying over Shoal's Crossing from where they'd taken off from Eld.

They would have gone straight to the city had they not run into a storm over the water. In using their magic to help keep the winds and rains away had tired out almost every one of them, so they decided to set up camp on the beach and journey on in the morning after a good night's sleep.

They hadn't only been traveling over the three days that had passed since they went to the archive. They decided to stay in Palrion for a night to rest up...but only ended up looking more into the two leather-bound books they'd gotten at the archive. While Jai, Gideon, and Thia focused mostly on the one about the Arcane Blood Plague, Lyv and Elys read through the one about the Seer of Ikreus.

Most of what was written within the pages didn't make much sense to Lyv since it was written mostly in a language she didn't know how to read, but Elys actually knew what it was saying, understanding everything. He was captivated by all the pictures and the short phrases written between them, murmuring his own thoughts along with them.

"Can you actually read this?" she asked, looking down at him.

He looked up at her, perplexed. "Yes, of course...can't you?"

Lyv shook her head, staring down at the strange lettering on the pages. "Most of looks like..."

"I think it's actually the same language the tattoos Allel and Kalla have," he told her, then pointed to one short paragraph. "This one is talking about how, if a Seer finds their mate though that it extremely rare, they actually have the ability to combine their magic with one another. Not exactly copy exactly what the other can do, but sort of enhance each other's abilities. I've seen this before in one of my visions with me and De-..." His cheeks turned bright pink. "Well, that's not going to be for a little while. We can try it out then."

No matter how much she wanted to know exactly what he'd seen, Lyv didn't push him, not when he was turning the page to continue reading.

On their first full day of travel, they flew over the Whelm, which was the sea that separated Dalcaine and Ethran, landing on the eastern shore of Eld. Of course, Lyv hadn't spent any time in the land her grandparents, Geir and Sienna, held the title of Lord and Lady for. She had met them, though, just a few weeks after she went to Asturia.

Next, they flew across Eld itself before stopping in a small port city that was apparently familiar to Jai and Thia. Almost immediately, they were grinning at each other when they landed.

"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" Jai asked Thia.

Thia reached up and pinched his cheek. "Of course, especially since Erly could have turned you into a handsome princely pancake had you been nearer when we landed."

"Excuse me for wanting to see a dragon up close."

"And I wasn't going to apologize, especially since you completely forgot about proper dragon etiquette...not even to you, though you thought you ran the place and still do."

"Which, I will say again, my family does run the place."

Thia absentmindedly waved a hand as they walked into the port city and settled in the inn they were staying in for the night.

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