chapter 9 - Packing

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The next few weeks were spent packing and moving lots of furniture and possessions in all five family households. The teens had to suffer through one last day of school, where all their classmates were asking them all the same questions on what was going on. Especially at Alice's school in Manchester.

"So Alice, why didn't Miss Jones give you homework like the rest of us?" Belle asked. Belle was Alice's only friend at Hazel Grove High, and so the Blonde decided to tell her.
"Well, Belle, you can't tell anyone but today's my last day here, so the teachers can't give me homework!" Alice said quietly as to not to draw attention, but with traces of excitement.
"Cool, where are you moving to?" the redhead questioned.
"London. I am going to be enrolled in an online school, so the guys and I can build a music career." Alice whisper as the Queen Bee of Hazel Grove strutted up to them.
"Hey Fowler, I heard that Miss Jones didn't give you homework, what' up with that" Brittany spoke with a large smirk on her face. She was a smug 18 year old Gossip Girl that loved all the attention and hated those that disagreed with her. Alice fell into the latter category.
"None of your business," Alice growled.
"But I want to know what's going on in my best friend's life." Brittany's smirk grew, knowing that Alice hated her. Without saying another word Alice walked off, pulling Belle along with her. Belle knew of their feud, and followed quickly.

Just like Alice, Blake's last day didn't go smoothly the heartbroken teen had ran out off the school grounds and straight home.

Walking in her front door, Blake let the tears that she'd been holding in all day out and run down her cheeks.
"BC! Blake what happened?" Mickey rushed out as he spotted his daughter slumped up against the front door, crying her heart out. He ran over and picked her up bridal style and walked over to the sofa, placing her down.
A few minutes later and a now calmer  Blake started with a shaky voice to
"The second I told Mary that today was my last day at school and that I moving she ran over to the bitchy girls at school and was chatting to them like they were old friends" Blake said scraping ice cream from the bottom of the container
"then she wasn't a true friend" Mickey said reassuring his daughter
"thanks dad" she replied a single tear falling down her, Mickey wiped it way lovingly

Unlike his female conterparts Ryan hadn't told anyone that he was moving which probably a good idea.

Ryan had just finished football practice when he noticed his dad's car sitting in the parking lot and Rye resting on the boat. Ryan ran over to his dad, giving him the biggest hug he could manage after practice
"dad, why are you here" Ryan asked not knowing why his father was there
"can't I pick my son up from football practice" Rye laughed as the duo climbed into the car.
"Yeah, I guess it's not a crime to me, but there are three little girls back at home that would disagree" Ryan said discretely mentioning his sisters
"your father took them to live in Birmingham for a while"
"wait, what really" Ryan smiled at his dad
"yep, just you and me"
"And of course they must've took London" Ryan's smile faded, London was the cute little pomsky his parents had gotten him two years ago
"just you, me and London" Rye corrected himself "and London will be moving with us to London"
"really, you mean it" Ryan jumped up and down in his seat.

Again unlike everyone else Mollie didn't need to tell anyone that she was moving, news at Wilmington Academy tended to spread like wildfire. And this news was no exception.

The school of Wilmington Academy in Essex was a buzz for all the wrong reasons. Mollie Gibson was the girl that everyone wanted to be friends with, But Mollie hated it. She had a lot of friends, but they were only friends with her because of her dad being in a famous band. She walked through the halls and approached her locker, the locker was covered in cards, balloons and flowers. She moved the items aside and attempted to remove the books she need for next period. Her attempt failed. "Hey, need a hand with that" a smooth deep male voice came from behind her, the mystery person removed the flowers, cards and popped the balloons.
"Hey Zach, how was English with Miss Berry" She replied turning around to face her best friend at the academy
"wonderful" came his sarcastic response
"I need to tell you something important" Mollie said biting her lip
"you're not pregnant are you" he cried out in disbelief
"what, no my dad would be storming around the school grounds ready to bash any guy that came up to me if I was" Mollie spoke pushing herself off the metal door of her locker and making her way down the hall towards her next class
"so what is it then" Zach questioned like a child
"I'm moving to London, in two days" She cringed well awaiting Zach response
"sweet, I am too" Zach casually said smiling, the blonde Greek joined in.

Just like has fellow bandmates Connor was yet to tell someone that he was moving, But unlike them. He didn't have to deal with the hassle of school bullies or horrible friends, his were only a picture on the screen. He only had yo tell one person. Josh, his only Scottish best friend.

Connor slowly picked up the last of his personal items at his grandma's cosy home. He didn't want to leave Ireland but moving to London would benefit him in more ways than one. First he'd be closer to the hospital that deals with his hearing and he'd be able to spend more time with his dad. Connor's computer started to flash different colour's catching Connor's attention. Answering the call his Scottish friend's face popped up.
"Hey Josh" Connor called jumping on the bed in the middle of the room
"You moving aren't ya" Josh's accent thick as he'd just woken up, his hair proving that
"Yeah, I'm moving to London" Connor spoke excitedly.
"Well then what's going on your end" Connor asked feeling his voice start to give out. The room fell into silence as the two boys signed their conversation
after a few hour's Jack knocked on the baby blue painted door and walked in
"Connor buddy you up" Jack called into the dark of the room only to find the deaf Irish boy passed out on the bed, his computer open. The bright bluey / white hue of the computer lit up Connor's features. Jack pulled the computer out from under his son's arms and threw the duet on top of the younger male.
"night bud" and with that Jack left his son's room

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