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Okay bitches I'm back
Hailey kisses Chris
C/ damn you weren't playing you really do like him
H/ so are you and Carlos official
You kiss Carlos
Ash/ yup
H/ goals
Ash/ shut up. Chris how do you feel with this girl
Ch/ I've known her since 2nd grade, I know how she is.
You all laugh
H/ hey I'm not that annoying
Ash and Carlos/ *cough sure cough*
H/ I heard that
C/ let's go get some Chipotle
All/ bet
Ash/ let's invite Alex
C/ ASH! Did you forget what he did to you?
Ash/ yea but he just broke up with leliani cause she was cheating *giggles* so I'm just trying to make him happy
C/ bet!
You call Alex
Alex POV ( Finally)
Ashley would like to FaceTime
<<accept decline>>
ash/ hey I'm sorry about leliani
A/ it's fine she's a little whore so what's up?
Ash/ wanna go to Chipotle?
A/ sure
Ash/ alright bye
A/ bye I'll be their in 5 minutes
Ash/ okay
Ashley ended the FaceTime
Damn I forgot how pretty she was. Why did I cheat on her, I'm so mf dumb
End of POV
For some reason I miss Alex even though he cheated on me we been through everything together. Damn me and Carlos dated for one day oh well let's see what happens
End of POV
C/ let's go. Oh and Ashley can I talk to you when we get their
Ash/ yea
Alex walks in
A/ hey guys....
You guys go to Chipotle. Carlos pulls you to the side
C/ I love you and all...
Ash/ I think we should break up
C/ same
You both laugh
C/ but I still like you more than a friend
Ash/ same
Ash/if I get back with Alex and he hurts me will You be wide open?
C/ for you of course
You hug and he kisses your cheek
You guys walk back and eat
Ash/ hey Alex can I talk to you?
A/ anything for you
You blush and hide it with your hair
A/ don't hide it
You and Alex step outside
Ash/ I miss yo....
Alex's kisses you and you guys end up making out
Ash/ I missed you
A/ me too and I'm so...
You kiss him
Ash/ I don't want to talk about it lets just put it behind us
A/ ily
Ash/ ilyt
You guys hug and go in
C/ too late we already paid
Ash/ I fucking hate you
H/ alex, why you holding my girls hand *balls up fist*
Ash/ chill we got back together
C/ damn you guys just can't get over each other
Ash/ oh shut up
Alex laughs
H/ for real this time I will beat your ass if you hurt her because I forgot to last time
A/ you make me more scared of you when I'm around ash
You all laugh
You head home and everyone decided to sleep over you fell asleep and Alex kisses your head and then went to sleep.
hope you enjoyed. I feel like I made her a slut?
Did i?

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