coming back💔

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1 year later
So I was omw back home from my grandma's
G: I'm gonna miss you mija
Ash: aww I'll miss you too grandma
You say your guys good byes and You get on the plane
Skip plane ride
You get off the plane and see Alex
Ash: ALEX!!!
You run up to him and hug him and wrap your legs around his waist and he spins you guys around
Ash: I missed you so fucking much 😭
A: me to
You guys hug for like 5 fucking years! Then he puts you down
A: so how has my bff been
Ash: lonely
A: same
We go back to the house
All: ASHLEY!!!
they all jump on you and you guys fall hugging
E: we have some one here for you
Leilani walks out
Ash: leilani!!!!!!!
L: Ashley!!!!!!!!
You guys hug and fall
Ash: I missed you so fucking much
L: me too
We all catch up on what we missed
A: so Ashley I have a surprise for you
Ash: what?
Alex gets on one knee and pulls out a promise ring
Ash: omg
Skip his speech cause I'm the laziest bitch alive
A: Will you be mine
Ash: omfg yes
He slides the ring on your finger and hugs you
You kiss him
C: congrats
He rolls his eyes and runs upstairs and slams his door
All: que???

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