Knowing more

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"It's difficult. Not many of us have the restraint necessary to accomplish it. But Carlisle has always been the most humane, the most compassionate of us... I don't think you could find his equal throughout all of history." He paused, "For me, it was very painful." Ashton could tell from the set of his lips that he would say no more so she gently rubbed his the back of his hand with her thumb, "And Emmett and Rosalie?" "Carlisle brought Rosalie to our family next. I didn't realize till much later that he was hoping she would be to me what Esme was to him- he was careful with his thoughts around me."He rolled his eyes, "But she was never more than a sister. It was only 2 years later that she found Emmett. She was hunting- we were in Appalachia at the time- and found a bear about to finish him off. She carried him back to Carlisle, more than a hundred miles, afraid she wouldn't be able to do it herself. I'm only beginning to guess how difficult that journey was for her." Edward lifted the hand that was holding hers and ran her hand gently across his cheek, "But she made it." Ashton encouraged him, "Yes. She saw something in his face that made her strong enough. And they've been together ever since. Sometimes they live separately from us, as a married couple. But the younger we pretend to be, the longer we can stay in any given place. Forks seemed perfect, so we all enrolled in high school." He laughed, "I suppose we'll have to go to their wedding in a few years, again." 

Ashton smiled, "Okay, well, what about Alice and Jasper?" "Alice and Jasper are two very rare creatures. They both developed a conscience, as we refer to it, with no outside guidance. Jasper belonged to another.. family, a very different kind of family. He became depressed, and he wandered on his own. Alice found him. Like me, she has certain gifts and beyond the norm for our kind." "Really?" she asked fascinated, "Yeah, she knows other things. She sees things- things that might happen, things that are coming. But it's very subjective. The future isn't set in stone. Things change." Ashton's eyebrows raised, "What kinds of things does she see?" "She saw Jasper and knew that he was looking for her before he knew it himself. She saw Carlisle and our family, and they came together to find us. She's most sensitive to non- humans. She always sees, for example, when another group of our kind is coming near. And any threat they may pose." They were parked in front of her house at this point, "So Alice came from another family, like Jasper?" Edward shook his head slowly, "No, and that is a mystery. Alice doesn't remember her human life at all. And she doesn't know who created her. She awoke alone. Whoever made her walked away, and none of us understand why, or how, he could. If she hadn't had that other sense, if she hadn't seen Jasper and Carlisle and known that she would someday become one of us, she probably would have turned into a total savage." 

She looked to the dash board, her eyes flashed to red and the veins showed, she laughed showing her fangs. "Guess I should probably go inside. If you wanna come in, you're more than welcome to." Edward smiled and nodded, "I'd like that very much." Ashton smiled hugely "Well come on then." She was about to open her car door when it opened for her, Edward smiled politely, "Nice." she muttered and walked passed him. He then opened the now unlocked front door, "You knew where the spare key was?" He shrugged unrepentant, "What else is there to do at night?" Ashton giggled in understanding and threw her bag onto the living room couch, "Edna!" they were met with silence, "Fine then!" she yelled again as she sped to her room, then came out with her last blood bag and a water bottle. She was in the kitchen in seconds with a funnel in the top of the bottle, she was already pouring the dark crimson liquid into it. "How often have you been watching me?" She heard Edward sit at the table, "I come here almost every night."

 She turned around to face him quickly, "Why?" Edward spoke matter- of- factly, "You're interesting when you sleep, you talk." She gasped in utter shock, "I do not." His expression changed to chagrin, "Are you very angry with me?" She turned back to her blood, "Well, that depends! What the hell did you hear?" He was behind her in an instant, "Don't be upset!" he pleaded, "You miss your siblings, you worry about them. When it rains, the sound makes you restless. You used to talk about home a lot, but it's become less frequent." She slowly turned around and held his shirt in her hands, "What else?" "You did say my name." he admitted finally. "A lot?" "How much do you mean by 'a lot', exactly?" She was facing her bottle, it filled almost completely, "Oh no." she groaned. They both turned when they heard tires on the gravel outside, "Should your grandmother know I'm here?" Ashton snorted, "She's not my actual grandmother, and she couldn't care less, hell, I could even compel her not to notice you." Edward looked down and frowned, "I'll make it easier for you." and he was gone. She growled quietly, "Edward!" she whisper yelled, Ashton then heard a ghostly chuckle from her room. She smiled, knowing he hadn't actually left.

Just then Edna walked through the front door, grocery bags in hand as well as her work bag. "Hello sweetheart, how was your day." she bustled towards the kitchen and placed her bags on the counter then turned to her, wrist raised. Ashton giggled, and grabbed her hand, "I was just about to down my last bag, you're a life saver." she mumbled menacingly as she tore into her wrist once again. Ashton drank for a moment, then bit into her own wrist and forced it to Edna's mouth. After she was done, she wiped the blood from Edna's face and quickly grabbed her water bottle and almost empty blood bag. She sealed the bottle, then began draining the bag. Just as she entered her room, she found an unhappy Edward laying casually on her bed. She smirked then threw away her empty blood bag and placed the now full water bottle back into her fridge on the floor. She moved to her dresser, then slowly turned back to Edward, "Mmm, screw it I'll go into the bathroom. Stay." she commanded, then was gone. She got dressed faster than she ever had once in the bathroom, then saw her reflection. Half her jaw was still covered with blood, "Well shit." she muttered and began scrubbing her mouth. After a few moment, she dried her face and was back in her room in half a heart beat. 

Ashton was suddenly lying next to Edward in her sweat pants and dark green tang top, he froze but she didn't care, "What's wrong?" she asked as she lied her head on his chest. "What is Edna to you?" Ashton sat up slightly so as to look into his eyes, "When I first arrived in this town, I almost lost it, massacred the town type lost it. When I saw her house, I figured, 'Hey, who ever lives there will do.' So I compelled her to think I was her long lost granddaughter come to live with her. To me, she's protection, and an occasional snack." she spoke nonchalantly. Edward sat up, obviously mad, "She's human, Ashton. She's not a your puppet or a walking blood bag for you to feed on when ever you feel, you feeding on human blood alone is bad enough." She got to her feet, standing in front of him, anger radiating off her, "Spit it out. You can't be with me if I feed on humans, is that it?" He stood up to meet her gaze, "I don't know, I still don't know you fully. I'd have to consult Carlisle, see if he knows any history about you. You even said it yourself your one of the most feared." she nodded, "Fine, I'll go with you to fill in any blanks they might have about our history." Edward agreed and lied back down, Ashton lying next to him in a more cautious manner. She curled up next to him and lied on his chest again, "The emotion of jealousy, I've read about it a hundred thousand times, seen actors portray it in a thousand different plays and movies. I believed I understood that one pretty clearly, but it shocked me.... Do you remember the day that Mike asked you to the dance?"  

Ashton nodded, "The day you started talking to me again." he nodded,"I was surprised by the flare of resentment, almost fury, that I felt- I didn't recognize what it was at first. I was even more aggravated than usual that I couldn't know what you were thinking, why you refused him. Was it simply for your friend's sake? Was there someone else? I knew I had no right to care either way. I tried not to care. And then the line started forming." he chuckled, she rolled her eyes. "I waited, unreasonably anxious to hear what you would say to them, to watch your expressions. I couldn't deny the relief I felt, watching the annoyance on your face. But I couldn't be sure. That was the first night I came here. I was wrestling all night, while watching you sleep, with the chasm between what I knew was right, moral, ethical, and what I wanted. I knew that if I continued to ignore you as I should, or if I left for a few years, till you were gone, that someday you would say yes to Mike, or someone like him. It made me angry." there was a pause,"Then," he whispered, "as you were sleeping, you said my name. You spoke so clearly, at first I thought you'd awoken. But you rolled over restlessly and mumbled my name once more, and sighed. The feeling that coursed through me then was unnerving, staggering. And I knew I couldn't ignore you any longer." He was silent, listening to the sudden uneven pounding of her heart.

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