Anxiety filled Romance

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Cw:Mentions of abuse, anxiety, & ptsd
Y/n woke up with a start, chest heaving, on the verge of a panic attack. Her heart was racing as she tried to breathe and bring herself back from the edge. You checked your phone for the time, letting out a small sigh seeing it was 2:35am. You rolled out of bed, knowing it would be awhile until you were able to sleep again. You walked into the kitchen deciding on a bottle of water, you let out a groan as you sat down at the kitchen table. Your heart was still racing but you were able to breathe easily again. Your night terrors had been getting worse since Harrison and Tom had started staying at their own apartment again. You knew you could call one of them and they'd be right over in minutes, but you didn't want to bother them this late at night. You had fully calmed down but knew slept wasn't going to happen for you any time soon.
You looked down at your phone again, deciding to text Harrison knowing he was probably sleeping and wouldn't wake up to it.
Y/n: Haz, I had another one. It was worse than last night. I'm really overwhelmed.
You checked the time 2:45am. If he was awake he'd be there within 10 minutes, if he wasn't awake, which you were praying he wasn't, he'd be there right after he woke up.
You sat at the table lost in your own thoughts remembering the last straw between you and your ex.
You were in the kitchen dancing and cooking dinner for James, hoping if you did you'd be able to go out with Haz and Tom. You missed them they were your best friends until James came into your life and began to dictate everything you did.
You heard the door open and slam closed, your mood instantly darking. *fuck he's in a bad mood* you thought staring forward into the pot of water that wasn't near boiling yet.
"What are you cooking?" James snipped at you the moment he walked into the kitchen.
"Spaghetti" you muttered as you started to cut some bell peppers to add into the sauce.
James knew you well enough to know you only made spaghetti when you wanted something because it was his favorite. You let out a soft sigh at the thought and almost cut yourself cutting the peppers.
"What do you want?" He asked, walking into the kitchen.
"I wanted to see my friends love, but it's okay!" You softly said, treading lightly not letting him know which friends.
You heard him hum behind you,causing you to tense, that is never a good sign.
And suddenly there's water hitting you, you froze in pain as your body registered how hot it was. Letting out a scream, your body toppled to the floor.
"I'm not stupid you bitch. You wanted to see your male friends. I already told you, you'll never see them again. Now clean this fucking mess up"
Her phone ringing brought her out of her mind.
"I'm at your door"
You opened your door, shaking your head at the boy in front of you.
"Haz it is three in the morning. Why did you come?"
He grinned and pulled you into his arms, "I know when you've been crying"
You groaned, knowing he was right, even if you didn't know you had been.
"Besides, even if I haven't slept in days and finally was able to and you texted me needing me? I'd be here instantly"
"I love you so much Haz" you mumbled into his chest.
"I know love" he mumbled rubbing your hair, "but you do need to invite me inside or come to my apartment."
"Right," you grinned, pulling away and moving to the side so he could enter.
"Now I know you well enough to know you aren't going to be able to fall asleep, but I want cuddles and you need them," he grinned at you, walking towards your room.
You shook your head, with a small smile as you followed him.
You stopped in front of the hallway mirror, your scars from that night catching the light just right for you to notice them.
Harrison paused, hearing your footsteps stop, quickly he turned and saw you staring at them. He watched your face fall, he let out a small sigh.
He never did tell you how in love with you he was, he didn't want to cause you more pain after everything you had gone through. You were nearing one year away from James and you had improved so much since then.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Harrison wrapped his arms around you, "love, you're beautiful, even with everything that happened, you've stayed so incredibly strong. I remember getting the call that you were in the hospital, I felt my heart drop. When Tom looked at me, he knew it had something to do with you"
"Haz," you started, looking at him.
"No, Y/N let me finish," he mumbled into your neck, "when we first met, I fell in love with you. God I fell for you so fast. I wanted nothing more than to help you get out of the situation you lived in. I wanted you to be mine, fuck I still do. I was going to wait until I was sure you ready, but I can't keep it to myself anymore."
He paused, as you broke out of his arms and turned ao you were facing him. "Harrison."
"Y/n" he mumbled, locking eyes with you.
"I love you Harrison, I am incredibly thankful for you. I couldn't be more happy that you're my best friend, however, I definitely fell in love with you. Fell in love with you, for everything you've done for me, for all the support and love you've given me since I first met you."
"So does that mean, you're going to be my girlfriend?"
"I would hope so" you said with a laugh, as Haz picked you up and spun you in a huge circle.
"But now I'm exhausted Haz, and I think it is far past bedtime for both of us," you grinned, as he carried you to your bed.
For the first time in a year, you fell asleep with ease at complete peace, against Harrison your newfound boyfriend.

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