The chick

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Isabells P.O.V

All of a sudden there I was on the ground I look up and saw a girl with blond hair green eyes red lipstick that made her look like she made out with a clown had way to much make-up

She barley had any clothes on she looked like one of those girls who would hook up with anyone or everyone .

Kylies P.O.V

I shoved this girl that was flirting with my future boyfriend/husband she wasn't even that pretty she didn't dress like I did she didn't wear any make-up

She just jean shorts a t-shirt and a pair of galaxy vans and all the makeup she wore was just mascara

And it's the first day of school and she's not even dressed up man this girl needs to get things straight cam is mine not hers and if she tries to do anything to get to him she will regret it😡

Cameron's P.O.V

I saw Kylie the girl who anybody could get with because she was that kind of girl that was not committed to a relationship

But me on the other hand has only been in 3 relationships well strong ones that is my whole life but I want someone special that I can live with for the rest of my life

I know it sounds crazy that I just am ending high school and looking for true love but I just hate girls who use me for my fame I mean they just wanna be with me so they can get closer with the other magcon guys

Or sometimes they just wanna brag that the have "The Cameron Dallas" as a boyfriend but I'm just like any other teenage guy in this world but I mean I just do different things in my life .

They think my life is all perfect because of my fame they have that wrong I have other problems in life too nobody's life can be perfect .

Isabells P.O.V

I got up grabbed my books and walked up to the front to take a seat next to a guy with blue eyes and brown with a blonde high light in the front I just smiled as He turned around

"Ok class let's go over the warmup and let's get started" as soon as I was settled in I was passed a note by the kid with amazing blue eyes which said

N-"hey there my name is Nash what is yours "

I-"hi my name is Isabell I just moved here" I passed it back he smiled and started writing

N-"nice to meet you Isabell well I was wondering if to wanted to come over and hang out sometime"

I-"i would love to "

N-ok hand me your phone so I can put my number in I handed him my phone and her enter it "Nash😍"

I looked at it and chuckled and he smiled at me was I falling for this boy ?


Second part this is kind of fun 😊👌

Not what I thought it would beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora