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Isabells Pov
I was in cams truck with my knees to my chest crying thinking about how could nash do that to me and all the stuff we did together doesn't mean anything to him well at least I have cameron to keep me happy and laughing all the time I was siting in the car when I wiped my tears and sat up right he asked me if I was okay I said yeah I just don't really wanna go home. He said that's fine we could just go to his house I didn't say anything I just nodded

Cameron Pov
Well I picked up Isabell and she was crying I set her in my truck as gently as I could I don't know what's wrong but I'm sure she will tell me once we get to my house I've always had feelings for her since I saw her at school maybe when we get to my house we can talk or lay down and watch Netflix or something I just want her to feel comfortable and smile again

We're at the house I turn of the engine and run to the other side to get isabell she hopped out of the truck but seamed unstable so I whispered in her ear "do you want me to carry you" she nodded again so I picked her up and walked toward the house opened the door my moms on a business trip so she gone for 2 weeks so it was just me and her
I wasn't sure what she wanted to do or if she wanted to stay on the couch or go to my room so I asked her she replied "can we go to your room I said okay and carried her upstairs is et her on my bed and asked her if she needed anything

She told me if I had anything comfortable she could change into I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of sweats that said my name on the side and a hoodie that matched I gave that to her and said she could use my bathroom that I would be right back

Isabells Pov

Cam sat me on his bed and asked me if I needed anything I told him just something to change out of because I was uncomfortable so he went through his closet he had a ton of clothes and everything had its own place it was surprisingly clean for a guys room nashes was always a mess cameron finally found something it was a cameron Dallas hoodie and matching sweat pants he told me I could use his bathroom for whatever I needed and if I wanted to take a shower there were towels on the second shelf to the right he said he should be right back

So I grabbed the stuff and took a shower because I had makeup all over my face for crying so much the hot water takes my mind of things too so it felt nice after I was finished I took the towel and dried my self and put one on my head I put cams sweats pants he gave me and they were so big I had to roll them up at least 4 times the sweater was baggy to but it was so soft and comfortable why are guys sweats more comfortable than girls sweats they smelt like cameron too I was taking off the towel that was on my head and it was still a little wet so I put it in a messy braid and walked out I put my clothes in the laundry basket in his bathroom .

I walked out and cameron still wasn't here so I grabbed my phone and started going through Twitter and Instagram I took a picture of me in Cameron's sweats and said why are guys sweats more comfortable than girls @camerondallas btw I'm a youtuber and a singer so yeah so I have a lot of followers and a whole bunch of notifications start popping up man 9085 comments in 45seconds of posting it I love my fans but I didn't know there were so many of them but I was going through them some were really nice and others weren't like one said "your voice makes my ears bleed" and some where I wish you would die but one stood out it said "I'm glad you and nash separated because he could do so much better" well at least I'm not with him anymore because he's a cheater and a lying asshole .

I closed out,of all my social media and went downstairs I found cam with tons of bags from Walmart tocobell and. Starbucks and he had tissues and ice cream in the Walmart bag and tooth brushes and toothpaste I helped him put everything up and he took the tocobell and Starbucks up to his room and he had these bed table things he gave me a blanket and a tray his bed is on the wall so I leaned on the wall as he took out our toco bell and gave me my favorite 2 chalupas and a crunchy toco idk how he knew this was my favorite he grabbed the remote and stat down with his food too he got nachos and cinnamon balls I stole one because there so good he just smiled at me and took my chalupa and ate it I was siting there laughing

He asked me what we wanted to watch I told him divergent so we were sitting there watching when he finished and threw away our trash and brought the tissues in and put the trays away so while he was gone i laid down in his bed under the blanket when he came back he came smiled and sat next to me we were watching the movie when I was slowly falling asleep I closed my eyes and fell asleep

Cameron Pov
I was watching the movie when I felt someone on my shoulder it was isabell sleeping she looked so cute when she was sleeping I turned of the tv and grabbed my phone I took a picture and posted the pic on Twitter and Instagram "she's so cute when she's sleeping" I was going through the comments and there were lots saying I'm so glad your happy and some that said omg I ship catlas and isabron it made me smile I turned it off and kissed Isabells forehead and pulled her closer to me and fell asleep💤

Hey guys I'm putting all the guys in here soon so comment who you want
Matt Espinosa gf-
Carter Reynolds gf-
Shawn Mendes gf-
Jack glinsky gf -
Jack Johnson gf-
Aaron carpenter gf-

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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