Chapter 3

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If looks could kill, I would've died at least twenty-six times since we left Masons house an hour and a half ago.

Mason simply opened the door for me and asked if I wanted to ride in the back by him. I said yes. Is that such a bad thing? Well, apparently it is to Katy.

She was riding shot gun beside Bryson as he drove us along in his '95 Lincoln. we decided it would be best for Katy to ride in the same car with Mason, Bryson, and I, rather than Lexi. We figured Katy would get along with us better than Lexi and Bryson would with each other.. but apparently we were wrong.

I mean it's pretty obvious that Katy has a thing for Mason considering the fact that she shoots daggers at anyone who even looks his way, but seriosuly, it's just a car ride.

Katy's a pretty girl, with her shoulder length black hair and green eyes. She's a little bit taller than me, but she probably weighs about 20 pounds less than me with her athletic body. She runs track every year and that always seems to put her in good enough shape for the next year. Even with her looks though, she always seems to want anything that other people get that she doesn't. Whether that be something they have, or attention they're receiving from a guy. Kinda like what I'm getting right now.

Then again maybe she's picking up something I'm not. Mason and I do have a history, and that's not something you can just over look. I started feeling an unexpected feeling of hope. Maybe he realized how wrong he was that summer and wants to try again, I mean I was a pretty good girlfriend...

"Turn left up here?" Bryson asked.

"Um.." it took me a minute to check our surroundings and find a sign to see where we were. Then I looked down at my phone screen again, "yeah and then there will be another turn about a mile up to the right." Why they decided I would be the best person for the navigation job, I have no idea.

"Well maybe if you'd pay attention instead of hanging all over Mason back there, Bryson wouldn't have to ask you each time there's a turn. My god." Katy shot at me.

"There's no all over anything back here going on at the moment, but we still have a few miles.." Mason winked at me and a smile started fighting to spread across my face. How does he always do this to me?

"As hard as the offer is to resist, I'm gonna have to ask for a rain check." I said trying to ignore Katy's grumbling from the passenger seat.

"Honestly though, I'm tired of this driving shit. The faster you are with those instructions back there Ryanne, the better." Bryson said.

"Okay, well the turn should be right about... there." I said pointing towards a curve a up ahead.

"Got it. And then how many more miles until we get to the house?"

"About ten it looks like."

Katy exhales slowly through her nose loud enough for us all to hear. We all we're getting tired of sitting in the car just as much as she was, so her sigh simply went ignored.

My guess is that she was growing most tired of both of the boys paying attention to me, even though it was only because of the whole navigator thing. I'm pretty sure her phone has a GPS just as good as mine does. If she didn't have something stuck so high up her ass maybe I'd ask I she'd like to take over, it's not like it was a fun job or anything. In fact, I'd have been more than happy to have let her take over from the get-go.

"So did anyone think to check ahead if there's any working water or electric lines hooked up to the house?" Mason asked.

Shit. "Well most old houses have breakers for that kind of thing. I guess we'll just have to check when we get there.. And these kinds of things are exactly what come up when no one wants to plan ahead."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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