Chapter 1: The Mysterious Man

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Story Notes: OCs, spiritual, use of oracle cards. Also, the deck of cards used in this story is based off a real deck called “Isis Oracle” by the lovely Alana Fairchild. A deck that I highly recommend.

Author’s Notes: I’ve been bouncing this idea around in my head for some time. I wasn’t sure if I should write, then I thought ‘why not?’ So, here we are. There are OCs in this story, and they are a major factor, but there won’t be any romance. Well, not intentionally, anyway. This is my first attempt at this fandom, so please bear with me, as it’s been a while since I’ve watched the series.


Yugi smothered a yawn as he rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his elbow resting on the store’s front counter. While it had been a busy day, the love of Duel Monsters was was strong as ever, it wasn’t exactly exciting. He had helped a few young children chose their starter packs, offered advice to a couple of hapless parents who didn’t know what to do about their kids sudden interest in Duel Monsters and he even participated in a few duels to teach the rookies a few things.

A typical day.

And while it was fun, it wasn’t thrilling.

After everything that happened, rebuilding the millennium puzzle, becoming partners with Yami, helping Atem to return to the afterlife. After all of that, life seemed…dull. While he could have done without the danger, the literal life or death battles, he missed all the excitement he had experienced during that time.

He wasn’t sure how he was going to top it.

Looking at the clock, Yugi noted with relief that there was ten minutes until closing time. He could start to close up the hobby shop now. But as he slipped off the stool behind the counter, the bell above the shop door tingled, alerting to him that someone had just entered. He made the motion to shuffle back to his usual spot when he paused. He looked at the person who entered and blinked.

Standing just inside of the store, the door shut behind them, was a person wearing a dark cloak with the hood up. Yugi couldn’t tell the person’s gender, but he could tell that the person wasn’t all that tall. Well, they were taller than him (no surprise) by a foot or something. And their shoulders weren’t all that broad either.

There was a slit in the cloak on their left, a gold pin in the shape of a small person keeping the cloak wrapped around their shoulders. It looked simular to an ankh, actually. A rather slender arm appeared from the slit, fingers trailing over the golden pin.

Thankfully, the person pulled the hood back, revealing a young man, no older than Yugi was. He had black hair, rather long it seemed, tied at the nape of his neck and disappearing into the cloak. He had messy bangs, the colour of navy blue. His eyes, surrounded by thick black lashes, were a deep green. If Yugi wanted to be dramatic, he would say forest or emerald green.

He looked around at the shop, but not really looking at Yugi. He seemed to be searching for something. He walked around silently, hardly making a sound. It was as though he didn’t want to draw attention to himself.

“Can I help you?” Yugi asked, breaking the silence.

The young man finally turned to him and looked surprised. He narrowed his eyes in a searching manner. “You…?” he said, his voice surprisingly airy. “You were the Pharaoh’s vessel, weren’t you?”

“Er, I guess so,” Yugi answered, breaking out into a cold sweat. Usually, when someone referred to the Pharaoh, it wasn’t very good. “Although no one has put it like that before…”

“Forgive me,” the guy said, bowing his head slightly. He then approached the front counter, keeping the cloak wrapped tightly around him. “I am searching for something. A card.”

Yugi forced a grin to his lips. “Well, you’ve come to the right place.”

“No, not a duelling card,” he said, shaking his head before turning to look around again. “Do you have any unusual cards in your possession?”

“Unusual?” Yugi questioned, his brow furrowing. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

The man didn’t answer at first. He suddenly closed his eyes and became very still. A moment later he opened his eyes and sighed, almost wearily. “…Never mind,” he said as he shook his head once more. “I cannot sense any present here. I wonder why I was…”

He turned away to mumble to himself. What he was saying, Yugi couldn’t quite catch. He was mumbling under his breath. Yugi had to admit, though, he was somewhat intrigued. Be it curiosity or a yen for another adventure.

“So…what are you looking for exactly?” Yugi asked.

“No, I’ve said too much,” the young man suddenly stated, turning away abruptly. He appeared suddenly edgy and nervous. Although it was hard to tell with the cloak, but it appeared as though he was clutching his side.

“You’re not from around here, are you?” Yugi found himself asking.

He paused. “No.”

“Are you…from Egypt?”

The sudden twitch of his shoulders was all the answer he needed.

“It was a lucky guess,” Yugi added, trying to give the signal that he meant no harm.

The young man’s shoulders suddenly sagged and he turned around, quickly making his way over Yugi and the front counter.

“You best be careful,” he suddenly stated, urgency in his voice. “A girl called Nashwa is highly reckless and dangerous. You need to steer clear of her. Once she learns that you were once the vessel of the great Pharaoh, she will try to drag you into her lies.”

He pulled his hand back into his cloak, fumbled around for a moment before pulling back and offered a closed hand toward Yugi. “Take this.”

Although a little apprehensive, Yugi lifted his own hand to take whatever he was being given. A small stone, a light green in colour landed in the palm of his hand. He looked at it and blinked. “A rock?”

“It’s a gemstone. Topaz,” the mysterious man explained as he pulled his arm back into his cloak. “It should ward off evil spirits. It will help you see through her lies.”

“Ah, thanks?” Yugi said.

“It would be best for you not to get involved,” the guy went on to say as he backed away, heading for the door. Before reaching the door, though, he turned back to Yugi and bowed his head. “I apologise for the inconvenience I have caused.”

With those parting words, he opened the door and quickly disappeared from sight.

“H-hey, wait!” Yugi shouted as he raced for the door, but as he stepped outside, the man was gone. He stood there for a while, holding the stone in his hand.

Well, his day had taken a rather strange turn…

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