The Gay Alphabet of Daemonic Horniness

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Be so kind and comment your own dirty tautograms and alliterations.

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A - His Adonis appearance allows abusively attacking aching assholes of average amigos in all arousing angles as an accepted amusement. Called Porn.

B - His big bouncing boner makes bad bubble butt bitches bend to be bounced bare from behind.

C - His carven curving cock causes civilized cagy celibate cowards to crawl like cacodaemonic creatures caged in a catholic cathedral, crying climactically for continuation of cum-eating.

D - His demonic dancing dick drives decent dudes into delusional daze by drilling deeper determined.

E - His elegant effulgent erection elicits elated exclamations of excitement from employees in eerie establishments eating his ejaculate.

F - His feral fierce fist fanatically faps fragile feline friends to finally fuck fair faces for feeling fickle fatigue.

G - His giant glistening genitals gain gaping grimaces at gay gangbangs, getting gruesome gang gurus to gag and groan.

H - His huge hairless hilt helps handsome hustlers hardening handless.

I - His inhumanly incredible iron implemented illusive ideas in innumerable illicit intercourses. (A tautogram! I did it! Without the 'his' of course.)

J - His jeweled joy-bringer is jerked by jolly juvenile jailers making judges joke in jaded judgement.

K - His keen king katabolically knocks out kooky kids of kindness with kinky knacks. (This one was hard.)

L - His large lacy liana likes loose leaking loops, lewd lascivious licks over lubed lips and limp limbs after long lively liaisons.

M - His monstrous malicious mast makes muscular men mewl madly like masturbating maidens.

N - His nymphomaniac noodle noisily nails needy naïve newbies, nonchalantly taking numerous naughty nudes. (It took me ages to think of noodle...)

O - His onstage obsession is offending obsolete opinions by obtaining obscene oral of obedient oppas out in the open.

P - His pulsing penis pounds pleading puckers perpetually to pre-purple shading in a pleasurable persistent pace. (I wanted to add pied piper, but there was no space anymore.)

Q - His queen quest is a quirky quickie with a questionable queer. (...weird)

R - His restless raw rod recklessly rapes rebellious rascals, roped roughly. (Tautogram!)

S - His steadily standing shaft satisfies the swollen slots of sixty salacious sluts, salivating from his seductive sexiness while stroking their slick sticks.

T - His torturously tall tower traumatizes tired travelers in the train's toilet with techniques talking of talent.

U - His ubiquitous upper uses unexperienced underlings for ultimate uncut upfilling unification.

V - His vivid viper violates various vulnerable victims for volatile vendetta. (What nonsense...)

W - His whopping wild wood whipped wanking worshippers worldwide while watching him wracking whining worms without worries.

X - His xenodochial (=friendly) xylophone-stick hates xeric (=lacking moist) holes.

Y - His yummy youngster yearns for young yeasty youth. (Easier than I thought...)

Z - His zipper zone zaps with zest.

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You're welcome.

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