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millie's pov

we sat in the tree for an hour or two, admiring the view and having many different conversations.

it was perfect, every moment of it.

we begin to make our way back down, as it had not only starting to rain by now, but the sun is beginning to rise.

"that was suprisingly fun" i admit truthfully to the boy next to me with a smile on my face.

"what do you mean 'suprisingly'?" he says with a small laugh as he opens the car door.

"well i didn't think sitting in a tree would be fun, but i guess it was" i say, laughing mid sentence.

he smiles at my comment as he turns to me. his eyes trail down to my lips, as he wets his own. small drops of rain run down his pale face as the orange glow of the sunrise lights up the car. he leans forward, which causes me to freeze completely. we were so close. i feel him move a hand down to my waist causing my breath to hitch slightly.

i put my hands around the back of his neck and we both lean forward slowly. his lips graze mine and before i know it our lips are pressed together. he deepens the kiss, pulling me onto his lap as he does so. i tug his curls lightly and his breathing hitches. my lips explore his own as he smiles into the kiss. we slowly pull away, my lips tingling. i rest my forehead against his, and he smiles slightly as i do so.

"wow" he whispers so quietly i could hardly hear him. my stare changes from his lips to his watch.


"shit shit shit" i mutter as i quickly scramble back into my seat.

"what?" he asks as his eyes widen.

"my dad gets up at 5, and he will notice if i am not in" i say breathlessly.

"oh, right" finn says as he quickly starts the engine of the car.


within an hour of driving we arrive back to my house, just in time before my dad wakes up.

i climb out of the car seat, looking at the curly haired boy as i do so.

"i will see you tomorrow, thank you for everything" i say as i close the car door.

he drives out of my street, leaving me standing there with a smile plastered on my face as he does.

i open the front door with my key as quietly as i could, walking inside as slowly as possible.

i trudge up the stairs as lightly, quickly making my way into my bedroom.

"fuck!" i gasp as the sight of sadie sitting at the end of my bed comes into view.

she storms over to me, with her eyebrows pinched together.

"where the hell have you been millie?!" she growls.

"sadie- what are you doing here?" i ask, confused to why she was in my room.

she face palms herself, then looks at me as if she wanted to slap me. "did you forget or something? you asked me to cover for you and stay here! i thought you would be back in a hour or something, not 5!" she fires at me, anger in her voice.

"fuck, sadie- i'm sorry" i say as i sit on the end of my bed.

she looks at me for a few seconds , her eyes narrowing. she then finally sits down next to me.

"ok, now tell me everything, there must be a reason for why you took so long" she says with a wink.

"we didn't do what you think" i say to my best friend.

"you're still a virgin?" she asks with a sigh as if i am a disappointment or something.

"yes, quite frankly, i am!" i say, hitting sadies arm playfully.

"ok ok, what did you actually do?" she asks with a small laugh.

"uh- we. um- kissed" i manage to stutter out, causing sadies mouth to hang open in pure shock.

"oh my god, wow! i never thought i'd see the day when you actually have your first kiss" sadie says with a smile, clearly proud of me.

"sadie i have had my first kiss!" i say, giving her a small shove.

she rolls her eyes at me "millie your first kiss was in second grade, and you didn't even want to kiss the boy" sadie scoffs.

i laugh at her, but then quickly realise that my dad would be up in 2 minutes.

"ok, my dad is up in two minutes so we have to pretend we're asleep" i whisper, crawling under my cover.

she nods, wriggling under the cover too.

"night sadie"

"night mills"

a/n ; i hate my writing in this chapter, sorry about that. but hey, they finally kissed!

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