Plain Jane

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After cash left I stood there like an idiot. What did he mean when he said "I want it to be special" does he want to kiss me? And if he does why would he want some one boring like me. Maybe I will ask him, so after arguing with my self for a good 10 minutes I finally decided to go ask him why he wanted to be with someone like me. A plain Jane. As I was walking to cash's room I was getting more and more nervous. I finally got to his room and knocked on the door, when it opened there stood a shirtless cash. I could feel my heart beating 100 mph just looking at him. He was giving me major butterflys just looking at his bear chest. Then I started to wonder what his bottom half looked like. STOP IT KENZIE YOU CAN NOT HAVE THESE THOUGHTS ABOUT CASH, YOU NEED TO DROWN IN SOME HOLY WATER NOW.

"What are you thinking about you have this serious look on your face. Are you ok?" Cash says says with concern.

"Ya I'm fine I just wanted to talk about earlier"

"Look I'm sorry if I rushed you into anything it wasn't want I meant to too I just really like you and I don't want to ruin thing with you because your the first girl that makes my heart flutter, and if there is one thing I want in this world it's you." Cash says finishing off with a small smile.

"Why me I'm boring, fat, and ugly."

"For starters you are not boring you can make me laugh in the most inappropriate situations and when I've had a bad day your smile could make anyone smile your laugh makes the world stop, secondly don't ever call your self fat you have nothing on you and if I ever find you talking bad about your self.........I will have to punish you" cash says while leaning in with a smirk, and thirdly your beauty, you my dear muffin are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life you don't care about society's beauty standards you make your own rules and I love that about you, and you look amazing in anything you wear you are the only girl that can pull off that I just woke up look. You McKenzie Myers are the most spectacular girl I have ever meet everything about you makes me want to get closer to you, you pull me in, your my drug. And honesty I couldn't be more happy about it.

I hadn't even realized I started crying until cash pulled my into his arms, he was so warm and his touch felt so right. I wanted to melt right into him.

"Thank you" I say

"For what" he says with his cute confused expression.

"For saying that about me it's been a long time since anyone's cared I care so much for you cash I can feel myself falling for you more everyday and I don't want to stop falling for you.

"Then don't"

After those words left his mouth I felt a pair of warm lips on mine it felt amazing sparks were flying everywhere it felt like fireworks were exploding in my mouth. I heard cash grunt which made me slightly moan which made him pull my closer to him if that was even possible, I then felt his tongue lick my bottom lip slightly asking for entrance which I gladly granted him. I soon put my hands in his hair a pulled slightly making him groan into my mouth. Sadly it had to come to an end because we were both out of breath and panting like dogs.

"Let's go to bed" cash says with a smile

I take this time to drink in his features his swollen red lips that were slightly parted into a smirk then I looked to his hair that was a mess from me putting my hand in it but somehow he pulled it off.

After my staring I soon realized cash had a devilish smirk on his face 

"What are you doing" I almost scream as cash picks me up so im being cradled

"Just carrying my baby girl " cash says with a smirk

I blush and boy do I blush hard at his comment, I put my head in his chest So he can't see his face but I'm not fast enough because he said

"Don't hide your face baby I want to see your cute face red because of me"

Of course this made me blush harder so i moved my face farther in his chest which led to cash throwing me on the bed and jumping right on me

"Cash what are you doing" I say with a giggle

"First off that giggle was the cutest sound ever, and second I'm about to punish my little girl" 

He ends with a little smirk all I can think Is runnnnnnnnn so I jump out the bed and head for the door while laughing I hear cash behind me laughing also

"You'll never catch me alive" I say but as soon I say that turn around and I am face to face with a smirking cash

"Oh uh" I say while backing up but only backing into a wall

"Oh uh is right" he says while throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me back to the bed, where he throws me on the bed and climbs on top of me before tickling me.

"Stop p-p-please stop I-I can't take it anymore" I say while laughing.

"Fine" he says with a fake huff but stops anyway.

"Let's go to bed muffin" he says before turning the lights off.

I fall asleep holding on to cash and snuggling into his chest

That night I had the best sleep I have had in my life

Authors note: i did it I did the kiss scene comment down below if you liked it.

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