Chapter 1

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Some verbal  harassment and self harm ahead. Please proceed with caution


I sighed and pulled down the skirt of my uniform a bit, only to find it moved the whole dress with it, exposing more of my cleavage. I couldn't win here. Nervously, my brown eyes fluttered down to my digital watch, reading '4:02 p.m.' My usual customer was late by two minutes now, and that was freaking me out. Considering what his 'job' was, any number of horrible things could happen to him. I found myself chewing on my manicured nails in worry and quickly snapped my hand back down to my side.

"Hey, sexy!" I rolled my eyes at the call of the old perverts. "We're ready to order." Sighing and mustering up my cool, I headed over to the table, digital notepad ready.

"What can I get you gentlemen?" I hated that I was required to be nice to the customers, otherwise I would have used a much ruder nickname.

"Well, depends on what services you'll perform," one of them stated, a disgusting smirk on his lips.

"None that you're thinking of, sir," I snapped quickly.

"Aw, come on, princess," one of them grabbed me by my waist and held me down onto his lap. "Have some fun."

"I will do no such thing!"

"Tsh. Terrans never wanna just live..." At that moment, the door opened, and I thanked some invisible force that I probably didn't believe in that my customer had come in. He approached the host's desk and gently rested his hands on the polished wood.

"Where's Allyson?" he asked sternly.

"She should be around here somewhere..." The blue-skinned boy at the front scanned his eyes around until he found me struggling in the lap of the patron. "Found her..." The man's eyes followed the boy's gaze, and as soon as he took in what was going on, he stormed over in slightly flushed anger, lifting me off the man's lap in one swoop.

"Leave her alone," he growled, before turning to me. "Go compose yourself, take as long as you want. I'll wait." He smiled before taking a seat at his usual table, pretending to look at the menu, though he knew what he wanted. I marched into the cramped women's bathroom and contemplated splashing water on my face, but I didn't want to risk ruining my makeup, so I instead opted to take a few deep breaths, then re-emerged with my digital notepad and that stupid, fake smile on my face.

"What can I get you, Quill?" I asked, winking at him. He handed me the greasy, well-worn menu.

"My usual, sugar." I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Sugar? That's a new one." He shrugged.

"I noticed it's the only nickname those disgusting, old men don't call you. Well, that and Ally." I shook my head and made my way to the back kitchen, reciting the order and waiting for the glass and plate to be placed in my porcelain fingers, which I quickly set down in front of the outlaw before pulling out the chair opposite him and sitting down.

"Anything worthy of reporting today?" I asked, feeling my mood brighten. Peter's daily visits at 4:00 were the only things I had to look forward to at this dead-end job.

"No, nothing interesting today. Have you eaten at all?" I shook my head and he cut the Terran favorite- a burger- in half, and handed the untouched side to me, along with a large handful of thinly-sliced fries, placing them on the other napkin.

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