Chapter ten seeing her again

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As I walked out of the room, Scalia wrapped her arms around my waist bent over cause she wanted what pants hide. "Where is my equipment?" I asked Scalia loudly as I walked out of her bear hug and across the stone brick hall on a red carpet with a stone floor under it. She was crying on her knees when I looked over my shoulder and Bingo ran across her from her left. Bingo got to me when she reached her left hand out and tears flood out of her eyes so I came back to her, got on my knees on the red carpet in front of her, Scalia reached out both hands and we were kissing as we sat there enjoying each others company. when Scalia and I finally got up she then held my hand and walked towards these wooden stairs that were dark oak and was so clean they had a shine from the light of close torches and we ran down the halls we ran by some stone doors that were held together by tar, we then left the castle and walked down a steep hill with short well cut grass with a few slim little young tree saplings. I looked back and seen the small castle I lived in for two days. It had two similar watchtowers. they had a spruce wooden roof finished in a cone shape then below it was a small window and a bigger top room that shrunk at the bottom to reach the ground to have the front walls meet and there were side doors to the towers and a smaller stone brick wall to act as a handrail and cliff guard, then the bottom of the castle had two large square windows with a birch wood frame and a large draw door which was our exit and is handled by two big strong young men. We walked to Central Ireland and was at the entrance that was a big and wide hole entrance that looked like the tip of a double edge sword and two guards wearing a green clock and steel plated chest plate with chainmail around their arms and legs as well as straight thick leather brown boots. they stood in front of us "Who are you?" the one to my left asked. "Jeremy Venton monster hunter." I spoke. "Oh he is new around, he just wanted to see the place." Scalia continued a little slow and upbeat in her red rose small dress trying to flirt with the guards. "Okay go in Scalia we trust that your friend won't be trouble." they spoke and let us in. "Isn't she sweet?" the guard to my left asked the fellow guard as we walked in and walked down the slightly grown grass and into the pub I came in when I first arrived. I seen chairs lined up to the right side of the pub and a small oak table with a square table. Scalia's Father walked up to me red faced with anger. "No dogs allowed." He screamed at me. "Where ever I go Bingo comes." I told him. "father, please don't make him leave over a dog." Scalia begged. "Get out." Scalia's father demanded and so I walked out then I heard them talking and I slightly opened the door to hear what they were saying. I heard some mumbles "Okay Father." I heard Scalia say then she striped naked and began to dance in front of the chairs. "You will be great in tonight's show." I heard him speak. I then closed the door silently. I walked the spacing of the buildings for none were close enough and came across a big sturdy sign in front of a church that read. "Saint Nissan's blessed church." the sign read vertically as for the church itself was a simple dome of stone bricks and a cone roof of light almost white birch wood with a hole craved above the entrance to make a small bell tower. The entrance was an oak door and a spare hole for anyone to reach in and open to walk into the church. It had one support beam going down the center of the church that was an oak tree at some point and four beams that went from the walls and into the main support had holes and were fitter into the wall and roof met. but there was no floor or pews in the church. I seen an Irish man who had no facial hair or hair on his head he was wearing a long green robe. "What is the story behind this place." I asked. "I am Saint Nissan and this church was made by my thirteenth great grand father and his big family." He spoke to me "Also there is no sleeping in this church cause there are no pews and service is only an hour." he spoke as he hustled me out I then seen a young muscular dark green orc with his black hair braided back and he has two big tusk that were up to his nose, he is also wearing armor leggings and a chest plate. He marched tall and stomped loudly "Jeremy Venton!" I am here to avenge my brother." He challenged. I drew Liberty from with in my trench coat sheath and with Bingo at my side I was very confident. "Don't clash blades or hit his armor." I assured my thoughts and dropped my back pouch for it would only slow me down and I will have to dodge his sword. I walked up in a slow pace showing him, I am ready to fight. He swung vertical which caused me to fall back to dodge his blade. He is quick and angry, fury followed behind his blade, he tried to stab me but I rolled left, his blade went half way into the ground. I then got up took a left swing and cut into his left arm to the bone, He screamed in agony then he pulled his blade out of the ground. I then swung straight down and cut off his hands. "What where your plans orc!?" I demanded an answer "I brought two vampires to kill everyone here and they will come here by nightfall." He answered got up and head butted me in the face. I went to the ground. He fell on top of me trying to eat my face but I held him back long enough for him to bleed out. I rolled him off of me and a crowd of people had gathered and they of course had questions as they always do. "was that an orc?" a small blonde haired boy asked. "why did they not clash blades?" a woman asked and as the questions were coming I kept walking. "I need to see the guard commander." I thought to myself as I wondered the streets. I found a small spruce door that lead up to the top of the walls after walking up some stone stairs. I ended up at the top were I seen the wall was thick enough for four knights to walk beside each other and still have space. Bingo and I walked down the wall looking for the guard commander. "It is the middle of the day I do not have much time till it gets dark." I thought. I started to panic and broke into a run and a guard stopped me with his shield and sword. "Explain yourself?!" He demanded. "I am looking for the commander of the guard." I answered. "Look no further what do you need?" He asked. "I need to get your guards and weaponry ready for a vampire attack." I spoke. "Vampires are not real." He spoke while laughing. "Oh yes they are ever so real." I spoke but could not stop his laughing. "You know priest have hid this, they lie under there tongue because they feel they protect us and they do not want to say anything about what the devil has made then they blind us and we all await our death in a suicide cycle." He took what I said serious and stopped laughing then with a straight face "So what should we do?" he asked me. "We need a lot of silver before we can do anything." I answered and before we the strike of dawn we got enough silver off the generous people in Ireland which was enough to have four crossbow turrets  loaded with ten silver tipped blots on each side of the defensive walls these two vampires were going to have a hard time we also are going to have a curfew were no one will leave when it starts to get dark and the guards not using the turrets will guard with torches to attack the vampire threat if they shall come in and so I waited and we waited then night fell, so we got ready each wall loaded their crossbow turret their are ten silver tipped arrows in a barrel beside each turret. I am guarding the entrance but have been given the right of order from the commander. I stood in the platoon and I seen a figure coming close running very fast it was a nachzeher (an uncommon German vampire that eats it's own flesh causing it to become weak another thing they do is kill there own family and if they ring a church bell everyone who heard it will die from illness.) this nachzeher had a familiar injury his chest was open and his left lung was cut open and his heart was impaled by his own rib bone. It was the werecheeta from The Dragon Scale inn, he was missing his right arm and the left calve of his leg these were self caused "Fire North Wall!" I ordered. they fired the crossbow turret it struck his right leg but the beast moved on breaking his knee and then bent it backwards and it broke off the nachezeher crawled and kicked it's body across the ground, then I ordered another bolt and it was fired it stuck the nachzeher in the back it stuck it's fingers in the ground and pulled itself across the ground tearing a hole in it's back then it split his back and tore out his spine as he moved forward. when it got to the entrance it lifted itself in the air and landed on a guard to tear open his throat for a drink. I ran ahead of the men and stabbed it in the heart with a steak and left it there. "Attack on The South Wall." I heard a man yell, as I turned toward the south wall I seen a guard suddenly fall lifeless over the wall, falling fifty feet. Some men looked over the wall and seemed horrified by the sight, guess the vampire was very messy about it's feeding habits making a mess of the man's blood and guts. Then I seen the beast come up the wall It's a nelapsi (a vampire that is the resurrection of a dead woman, who did not want to die so with the aid of a demon they come back with two hearts one that contains the spirit of the woman and the one that contains the demon. This vampire can kill you with it's glance, and are strong enough to make a man a pile of meat. There clothes are invincible.) the nelapsi had pale brown hair and gray skin and completely cover in blood with amber eyes. She was wearing a white long dress that had no shoulders and a green corset that looked familiar to me the left side of her dress had been torn and the bottom had claw marks from a big cat more then likely before her death. The tear went down a little below her waist and the green corset was buttoned up. She grabbed the crossbow turret from the south wall swung it left to right which sent the two guards for a fifty foot fall then the nelapsi threw it four hundred feet and at the two guards on the north wall they fell off the wall backwards head first. Then she grabbed the silver tipped bolts and threw them as spears at the two men on the east wall the turret loader took a bolt to the face and the other guard pulled back the rope and loaded the turret then fired it flew for the vampires chest but she caught the bolt and threw it back it hit him in the chest and went straight through him. The nelapsi began to jump roof to roof looking for someone out in the night she was caught off guard when she came near Saint Nissan's church then Saint Nissan came out with a crucifix in hand and got behind the Nelapsi "wait Saint Nissan I can cure her!" I shouted as I pulled out a steak then stuck her in what should be her right heart since her cleavage was exposed half way. She also could not put up much fight since she was surrounded with gods holy essence. She began to fall and weaken showing me I strike the heart with the demon inside of it, then it healed showing she was cured. She then got dark and became black then her hair became red, dark red it was the bartender from the Dragon Scale inn. I ran up to hug her and held her as I lifted her up, she was able to stand. then she slapped me across the face. "You killed me back in Africa, You piece of turd, I thought you was better then that." She said as she walked off. I did not dare follow her she could find her way back at least she lived, that was more then the man that was a werecheeta could say. I walked the guard walls torch in hand that I got from a guard. Incase another vampire came by do to the fresh blood. I seen the first two guards that died because they fell back when the cross bow turret was thrown at them. there heads were like dropped watermelons. scattered with there head open like a flower and there bone and flesh all over the place they did not feel anything because they landed head first. then I walked toward the south wall which was an hour walk for Bingo and I then we seen the gruesome site. the guard fell on his back of course dead before he hit the ground because of the nelapsi but was torn in half which I could not find his legs but his upper body was pinned to the wall and so torn you could see his ribs and spine then a puncture hole were his heart was and a dent in the wall which was made when the nelapsi busted his chest plate off it. I took off my trench coat wrapped his corpse and carried it back to the village so he could be buried

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