Chapter 1

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Zularoa POV:

My eyes flew open as my door slammed shut and I heard Illelyn, the sweet woman who owned the tavern I was staying at come in. she wrapped me up in her gentle embrace and repeated "You're okay, it was just  a dream" over and over again. My throat felt scratchy and my face was covered in tears. "My.. my family..." I sobbed my voice thick with sorrow. This was the fourth time this week I had the dream. " "I know, I know, lets get you a drink" She pulled me after her and I stumbled along down the stairs. I could clearly smell rum in the air. It was a familiar smell. All my father did after my mother went missing was wallow in self pity and drink rum.

"Rum" she looked a me with her lips pressed together tightly. I had gotten used to that look having seen it every time I drank rum. "Illelyn , please I need rum". The sound of a glass sliding across the old wooden bar filled the empty tavern. "Zularoa, your father would not agree with  this." "Yeah, well that would make him a hypocrite, besides he's dead anyways." I slammed my cup down "you know what? My mom is probably dead too." "Zula, don't say that" I could practically hear the disappointment dripping from her voice. "You are not my mother." I could feel tears sliding down my cheeks. "I need... I need... my mother." I heard her footsteps as she ran towards me and wrapped me in her familiar scent of freshly baked bread and ale as I cried like a baby.

. . .

I woke up but this time It was different. This time there was light streaming in through my open window, the sound of birds floating through the air, the smell of bread wafting from the kitchen and an idea brewing in my head. I was going to find my mother and to do that I needed to become a pirate.

Elwell POV:

I felt the unwelcome warmth of another body in my bed as the light streaming through the window woke me up. I had my legs tangled up with another set of legs and it was not a welcomed feeling. I don't usually sleep with one of my conquests. "Wake up, I didn't pay you to have you stay." her weight lifted from the bed and something hard swooshed by ears. "Look lady, I don't know who you are and my night was ruined by that screaming woman so I don't need my day ruined too." "Ugh you are a bastard" she screamed before rushing from the room. I let out  a sigh of relief.

I threw on my clothes and stumbled down the stairs to get some of the delicious food I have been smelling. I pulled my shoulders back, stood with my back straight and walked with a cocky air to the table in the darkest corner of the dingy tavern that was already filled with drunks. One minute there was a lot of laughing, singing, and yelling and the next all I could hear was the birds outside and my crews even breathing. "Captain, look up" my first mate Osred insisted. I looked up and saw a heavenly being, or what I thought looked like a heavenly being. She looked like the sea goddess herself with her long dark hair and tan skin. She scanned the room for someone but stopped when she noticed me. She smiled at me coyly then started walking over with a sway off her hips. My breath quickened and my palms were sweating.

"Captain sees something he likes don't he boys." Osred joked. When she made it to our table she stopped. "Which one of you is gonna buy me a drink". Each member of my crew scrambled to offer.  "Hey you barmaid get me a fine wine for the lady." The light sound of a scoff could be heard from her direction. "Moina, you know what to get me." I heard a snort come from the barmaid's direction. "Yes, Zula." The barmaid, Moina came back with a glass of rum and the flask. "Tell me when Illelyn comes in so I can hide this." Moina giggled. "Sure thing." "So, Zula are you sure you can drink rum?" "If I couldn't drink rum why would I get it." My whole crew broke into laughter at that. "Well, I need to get to work see you later boys." She waved coyly to me as she left. "She really showed you didn't she Elwell."

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